Starseed / Stargate Healing & Meditation Event: Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2025, 7 - 8:15 pm
Calling all Starseeds and Old Souls! Times are challenging as we move through the incredible shift and change of ascension, and we can all use a little healing, relaxation, stress reduction and LOVE from the Angels, Guides, Ascended Masters and our Star Families. Join Wiltara and I for an amazing meditation and healing event in the protective and expansional Stargate energies! Relax comfortably in a zero gravity chair, connect into the quantum field, and receive personal & group healing from a host of beautiful, loving beings, as we anchor the Stargate energies and channel them to all of you! Special messages & teachings from the Stargate guides are certain to be forthcoming during this one-of-a-kind healing & meditation event! Each event will be unique! Once this event is purchased, your payment is non-refundable, but you can send someone in your place if unable to attend.