Ascension Symptoms: Meditation, Healing & Integration Event, Tuesday, July 30, 7 - 8:30 pm
Ascension Symptoms: What Are They and What Can We Do About Them? Many of us are experiencing what we call "Ascension Symptoms" due to the intense, accelerating and often chaotic energies prevalent on our planet, in our Star System, and throughout the Galaxy. Sometimes our 3D human bodies have a little trouble adjusting to the huge shifts occurring in more and more rapid succession. Whether we are aware of it or not, these energies affect all beings and matter within and upon the Earth. Symptoms range from ringing in the ears, heart rate and blood pressure fluctuations, lethargy, anxiety, diet and digestive changes, skin conditions, sleep disruptions, rage, depression and many more issues that often make us wonder if we are ill, going crazy or both. Some people are experiencing more and more intuition, visions, abilities etc, so it certainly is not all negative at all! Many people are also experiencing "dis-ease" with no discernible cause. Let's explore some of the issues, causes, and most importantly-- let's clear our vessels, heal and integrate this energy so we can better face these changes that are not about to let up anytime soon. I'll also briefly go into some of the cosmic and Earth explanations for the intense energies (Solar cycle, position in the Galaxy, Schumann Resonance). While you relax in a zero gravity chair, you will also experience guided meditation and group / personal Crystal - Reiki Healing to help you regain balance. You're not going crazy, you're just ascending! This item is non-refundable after purchase. In the event you are unable to attend, simply send someone else in your place.