Certified Crystal Therapist Training
I'm really excited to launch this new course where you will learn everything you need to know to become a Certified Crystal Therapist! This will be a very intense course with tons of information, spanning five months and 10 classes. Have you ever wondered about those "8 weeks to be a certified crystal healer" online courses where you never see an instructor in person? Well, if you want to do it right and have a true, deep understanding of what you are doing and why, then you will realize that is not possible, practical or effective! There will be hands on practice with every class, and practical exams at the end of the course where you will be putting it all together! The style of this class will be free-flowing, and the information will be delivered as we go in practice scenarios. This is a different format than my other classes, as it will entail actually doing the crystal healing with each class, as well as having an understanding of why. Your intuitive style is encouraged and will be fostered.. After successful completion of the course and successful execution of practical exams, I will certify you as a Crystal Therapy Practitioner from the Crystal Earth Magic Academy. Anyone taking this course will have already spent a good deal of time working with the crystalline kingdom, as well as clearing your human crystal. This is for the serious practitioner who wants to add crystal healing to their repertoire. Feel free to contact me with any questions! Class size will be very limited. Please let me know if you are interested! Cost $1999. (Partial payment options are available. 1. $405 monthly x 5 payments 2. $205 per class x 10 payments.)
Prerequisites for this course are: (No exceptions!)
-Reiki I (or level 1 of another vibrational healing modality (such as Healing Touch, IET, etc)
-Crystals & Stones 101
-Intro to Crystal Grids & Arrays
-Advanced Crystal / Element Class Five Month Journey to Wholeness
Course curriculum will include (but not be limited to):
Class I:
Intro to Crystal Therapy
Basic Body Layouts
Earth Element Crystal Healing
Being comfortable in the physical body
Prosperity / abundance
Root chakra issues / disease
Physical healing (from surgery, chemo, radiation; bone, joint, connective tissue and spine disorders, etc.)
Earth Element Crystals & Crystal Grids
Class 2:
Fire Element Crystal Healing
Balancing Fire
Inflammatory issues / disease
Inner child healing
Sacral and Solar Plexus issues / disease
Digestive tract disorders
Creativity / creation
Fertility / Pregnancy support
Self-esteem / confidence
Hormonal balance
Fire Element Crystals & Crystal Grids
Class 3:
Water Element Crystal Healing
Emotional support
Releasing emotional trauma
Self Love
Opening to intimacy
Surrender / Going with the flow
The ideal relationship(s)
Shifting emotional and mood imbalance
Heart issues / disease
Throat issues / disease
Water Element Crystals & Crystal Grids
Class 4:
Air / Wind Element Crystal Healing
Mental balance / support
Mental focus / clarity
Imagination / creativity / ideas / dreams
Connecting to Spirit
Sinus / allergy issues
Eyes, Ears, Nose issues
Third Eye issues
Crown issues
Opening the pineal / balancing the pituitary
Air / Wind Element Crystals & Crystal Grids
Class 5:
Storm Element Crystal Healing
Healing from serious disease / injury
Creating ideal reality
Releasing negative attachments / entities / energetic cords
Storm Element Crystals & Crystal Grids
Class 6:
Energetic Blockages
Moving stuck energy (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual)
Crystals for energy movement
Crystal grids for energy movement
Bridging neurological damage / disorders
Class 7:
Quartz Archetypes in crystal healing
Chakra clearing and balancing
Psychic Surgery with crystals
Class 8:
Putting it all together: Case studies, practice scenarios
Class 9:
Putting it all together: Practicals
Class 10:
Practical Demonstrations / Exams
Prerequisites for this course are: (No exceptions!)
-Reiki I (or level 1 of another vibrational healing modality (such as Healing Touch, IET, etc)
-Crystals & Stones 101
-Intro to Crystal Grids & Arrays
-Advanced Crystal / Element Class Five Month Journey to Wholeness
Course curriculum will include (but not be limited to):
Class I:
Intro to Crystal Therapy
Basic Body Layouts
Earth Element Crystal Healing
Being comfortable in the physical body
Prosperity / abundance
Root chakra issues / disease
Physical healing (from surgery, chemo, radiation; bone, joint, connective tissue and spine disorders, etc.)
Earth Element Crystals & Crystal Grids
Class 2:
Fire Element Crystal Healing
Balancing Fire
Inflammatory issues / disease
Inner child healing
Sacral and Solar Plexus issues / disease
Digestive tract disorders
Creativity / creation
Fertility / Pregnancy support
Self-esteem / confidence
Hormonal balance
Fire Element Crystals & Crystal Grids
Class 3:
Water Element Crystal Healing
Emotional support
Releasing emotional trauma
Self Love
Opening to intimacy
Surrender / Going with the flow
The ideal relationship(s)
Shifting emotional and mood imbalance
Heart issues / disease
Throat issues / disease
Water Element Crystals & Crystal Grids
Class 4:
Air / Wind Element Crystal Healing
Mental balance / support
Mental focus / clarity
Imagination / creativity / ideas / dreams
Connecting to Spirit
Sinus / allergy issues
Eyes, Ears, Nose issues
Third Eye issues
Crown issues
Opening the pineal / balancing the pituitary
Air / Wind Element Crystals & Crystal Grids
Class 5:
Storm Element Crystal Healing
Healing from serious disease / injury
Creating ideal reality
Releasing negative attachments / entities / energetic cords
Storm Element Crystals & Crystal Grids
Class 6:
Energetic Blockages
Moving stuck energy (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual)
Crystals for energy movement
Crystal grids for energy movement
Bridging neurological damage / disorders
Class 7:
Quartz Archetypes in crystal healing
Chakra clearing and balancing
Psychic Surgery with crystals
Class 8:
Putting it all together: Case studies, practice scenarios
Class 9:
Putting it all together: Practicals
Class 10:
Practical Demonstrations / Exams