Healing Session In Person (60 - 90 minutes)
Please contact me to schedule your date & time.
All healing sessions are conducted on an intuitive basis using whatever modalities and methods that are available to me. These may include Reiki, Crystal Healing, Crystal Grids, Shamanic Practice, Angel Therapy, Sound Healing, Chakra Clearing and Balancing, DNA Activation, Meditation, Energy Healing, Alternate Life Exploration, entity release and more. I work with your spiritual entourage--Source, your Higher Self, Spirit Guides, Angels, Ancestors, Ascended Masters, Starseed Races, Crystal Allies etc--as well as my own. This enables me to target the perfect, unique healing experience to address your particular needs. No two sessions are ever alike. Your participation is encouraged! Together we can create a tailor-made healing program to get you where you want to be!
Please note that this item is non-refundable after purchase. In the event of a true emergency, I will work with you, of course.
Distance Healing Session on Zoom or phone, 60 minutes
Please contact me to schedule your date & time.
All healing sessions are conducted on an intuitive basis using whatever modalities and methods that are available to me. These may include Reiki, Crystal Healing, Crystal Grids, Shamanic Practice, Angel Therapy, , Chakra Clearing and Balancing, DNA Activation, Meditation, Energy Healing, Alternate Life Exploration, entity release and more. I work with your spiritual entourage--Source, your Higher Self, Spirit Guides, Angels, Ancestors, Ascended Masters, Starseed Races, Crystal Allies etc--as well as my own. This enables me to target the perfect, unique healing experience to address your particular needs. No two sessions are ever alike. Your participation is encouraged! Together we can create a tailor-made healing program to get you where you want to be!
Please note that this item is non-refundable after purchase. In the event of a true emergency, I will work with you, of course.
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On Sale
3 Healing Session package (60 - 90 minutes each to be used within one year)
For a limited time only!
Get a huge discount when you purchase a package of 3 healing sessions to be used within one year!
Please contact me to schedule your date & time.
All healing sessions are conducted on an intuitive basis using whatever modalities and methods that are available to me. These may include Reiki, Crystal Healing, Crystal Grids, Shamanic Practice, Angel Therapy, Sound Healing , Chakra Clearing and Balancing, DNA Activation, Meditation, Energy Healing, Alternate Life Exploration, entity release and more. I work with your spiritual entourage--Source, your Higher Self, Spirit Guides, Angels, Ancestors, Ascended Masters, Starseed Races, Crystal Allies etc--as well as my own. This enables me to target the perfect, unique healing experience to address your particular needs. No two sessions are ever alike. Your participation is encouraged! Together we can create a tailor-made healing program to get you where you want to be!
Please note that this item is non-refundable after purchase. In the event of a true emergency, I will work with you, of course.
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On Sale
BQH / Quantum Healing Session: 3 - 4 hours (in person)
BQH / Quantum Healing Session
BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) is a heart-based, intention-based method of healing that was founded by Candace Craw-Goldman, and is the the evolution of the work of the legendary Quantum Hypnosis Healing Technique (QHHT) of the late great Delores Cannon. BQH involves hypnosis and deep relaxation to explore current, “past” and “future” lifetimes on Earth and throughout the multiverse. The client connects with aspects of self, including the Higher Self, Subconscious or Super-conscious, Spirit Guides, Angels, High Counsels, Ascended Masters, Star Families, Source, other lifetimes, parallel lifetimes and other benevolent beings in order to gain knowledge, find healing, and receive guidance for questions and issues in the current lifetime. Anything is possible within a BQH session! You will be shown exactly what you need and what is in your highest good at this time in your current life. You may even receive wisdom from your future self as an Ascended Master! What is your life purpose? What are the lessons you set up for yourself in this life? Who is in your current life that was present in other lifetimes? What physical, mental, emotional or energetic limitations, challenges or traumas are present in your current life that you would like to heal or transcend? What relationships are causing you issues or questions? What life path or career is most beneficial for you as we move into the New Earth? What guidance does your Soul impart? Any question from the mundane to the multi-dimensional is appropriate in a BQH session!
Sessions are typically 3.5 hours long, but may run as long as 4 hours. This is a time commitment that shows your intention of evolving, integrating and moving forward in alignment with your Soul's purpose in this life. During an in-person session, you will be reclining on a comfortable massage table (or a zero gravity chair if there are physical limitations). I also be offer online BQH sessions via Zoom where you will be relaxing in the comfort of your own home. You will be gently guided into a hypnotic state. And by the way, hypnosis is simply deep relaxation or meditation that you naturally reach several times during your day! Some will remember much of the session. Others will not remember much at all. It all depends on what your spiritual team designs for your highest good! There is always a perfect orchestration of events!
Before the session, I will have you make a list of questions you would like answered. A typical amount of questions is 5 – 12, but is highly variable. There will also be a pre-session interview where we discuss you, your issues, your questions and your intentions for the session. And don't worry if you can't think of that many questions! I will have plenty to insert based on our interview and your intentions for the session. Sessions will be recorded for future listening and further integration of guidance, healing and “downloads”. You will often be given “homework” from your team! After the session, we will have a post-session interview where we discuss findings and how much you remember. Sometimes memory of a hypnosis session is fleeting, like our dreams, so the recording is a nice way to keep all the information for future use!
Sometimes, if I am guided, I will bring other healing modalities into the session, such as Reiki, Crystal Healing, Sound Healing, Chakra Balancing or Shamanic Practices. With BQH anything goes!
After booking your BQH session, I will email you a lengthy document with many articles, videos and meditations that will help you get the most out of your session.
Please contact me to schedule your BQH session.
Please note that after purchase, this session is non-refundable. In the case of a true emergency, I will work with you to reschedule, of course.
On Sale
On Sale
BQH / Quantum Healing Session on Zoom
BQH / Quantum Healing Session
BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) is a heart-based, intention-based method of healing that was founded by Candace Craw-Goldman, and is the the evolution of the work of the legendary Quantum Hypnosis Healing Technique (QHHT) of the late great Delores Cannon. BQH involves hypnosis and deep relaxation to explore current, “past” and “future” lifetimes on Earth and throughout the multiverse. The client connects with aspects of self, including the Higher Self, Subconscious or Super-conscious, Spirit Guides, Angels, High Counsels, Ascended Masters, Star Families, Source, other lifetimes, parallel lifetimes and other benevolent beings in order to gain knowledge, find healing, and receive guidance for questions and issues in the current lifetime. Anything is possible within a BQH session! You will be shown exactly what you need and what is in your highest good at this time in your current life. You may even receive wisdom from your future self as an Ascended Master! What is your life purpose? What are the lessons you set up for yourself in this life? Who is in your current life that was present in other lifetimes? What physical, mental, emotional or energetic limitations, challenges or traumas are present in your current life that you would like to heal or transcend? What relationships are causing you issues or questions? What life path or career is most beneficial for you as we move into the New Earth? What guidance does your Soul impart? Any question from the mundane to the multi-dimensional is appropriate in a BQH session!
Sessions are typically 3.5 hours long, but may run as long as 4 hours. This is a time commitment that shows your intention of evolving, integrating and moving forward in alignment with your Soul's purpose in this life. During an in-person session, you will be reclining on a comfortable massage table (or a zero gravity chair if there are physical limitations). I also be offer online BQH sessions via Zoom where you will be relaxing in the comfort of your own home. You will be gently guided into a hypnotic state. And by the way, hypnosis is simply deep relaxation or meditation that you naturally reach several times during your day! Some will remember much of the session. Others will not remember much at all. It all depends on what your spiritual team designs for your highest good! There is always a perfect orchestration of events!
Before the session, I will have you make a list of questions you would like answered. A typical amount of questions is 5 – 12, but is highly variable. There will also be a pre-session interview where we discuss you, your issues, your questions and your intentions for the session. And don't worry if you can't think of that many questions! I will have plenty to insert based on our interview and your intentions for the session. Sessions will be recorded for future listening and further integration of guidance, healing and “downloads”. You will often be given “homework” from your team! After the session, we will have a post-session interview where we discuss findings and how much you remember. Sometimes memory of a hypnosis session is fleeting, like our dreams, so the recording is a nice way to keep all the information for future use!
Sometimes, if I am guided, I will bring other healing modalities into the session, such as Reiki, Crystal Healing, Sound Healing, Chakra Balancing or Shamanic Practices. With BQH anything goes!
After booking your BQH session, I will email you a lengthy document with many articles, videos and meditations that will help you get the most out of your session.
Please contact me to schedule your BQH session.
Please note that after purchase, this session is non-refundable. In the case of a true emergency, I will work with you to reschedule, of course.
Past Life Regression Session for Single Issue or BQH Follow Up Session (IN PERSON)
Do you have one or two particular issues that have no explanation or that frustrate or limit you in this lifetime? Are you experiencing dis-ease, loss of memories of particular events, missing time, challenging relationships, fear or blockages due to surfacing or repressed memories, phobias, strange physical, mental, emotional or spiritual trauma for which you have no logical basis? Do you have recurrent dreams or memories that trouble you? Do you want to heal these specific issues that possibly have roots in other lifetimes or that your subconscious mind is "hiding" from you? A "Past" Life Regression may help you to uncover the answers and solutions to these issues so that you can live your best life in the here and now! In truth, all answers lie in the quantum field, which we access together via a deep meditative state, also called trance or hypnosis. Through this technique, we can access your Higher Self, Guides, Angels, Ascended Masters, Source, your subconscious mind, and any number of beautiful, benevolent consciousnesses that will assist you with breaking through blockages, re-accessing memories, healing trauma from other lifetimes, and giving you the love and guidance you most need to move forward in peace and joy. Regression sessions are very similar to healing sessions in that I may be guided to use Reiki, Crystals, Sound and other modalities along with the hypnosis to provide you with clarity and healing so that you can get the most out of your session. Sessions will be audio recorded for future listening. After booking your session, I will send you a lengthy document with many resources to help you prepare for your session. The document is for the longer Beyond Quantum Healing Sessions, but the preparation is similar, although not as intense.
If you have already had a Beyond Quantum Healing Session with me, this type of session can be a great follow up or tune up / check in to see how you are doing and to answer any additional questions that arise. These sessions will be 60 - 90 minutes in length, while BQH sessions range from 3 - 4 hours in length, and are much more intensive. See also BQH / Quantum Healing Session to see which session is right for you! These sessions can be done in-person or on Zoom.
This item is non-refundable after purchase. In the event of a true emergency, I will work with you to reschedule, of course.
Past Life Regression Session for Single Issue or BQH Follow Up Session (ON ZOOM)
Do you have one or two particular issues that have no explanation or that frustrate or limit you in this lifetime? Are you experiencing dis-ease, loss of memories of particular events, missing time, challenging relationships, fear or blockages due to surfacing or repressed memories, phobias, strange physical, mental, emotional or spiritual trauma for which you have no logical basis? Do you have recurrent dreams or memories that trouble you? Do you want to heal these specific issues that possibly have roots in other lifetimes or that your subconscious mind is "hiding" from you? A "Past" Life Regression may help you to uncover the answers and solutions to these issues so that you can live your best life in the here and now! In truth, all answers lie in the quantum field, which we access together via a deep meditative state, also called trance or hypnosis. Through this technique, we can access your Higher Self, Guides, Angels, Ascended Masters, Source, your subconscious mind, and any number of beautiful, benevolent consciousnesses that will assist you with breaking through blockages, re-accessing memories, healing trauma from other lifetimes, and giving you the love and guidance you most need to move forward in peace and joy. Regression sessions are very similar to healing sessions in that I may be guided to use Reiki, Crystals, Sound and other modalities along with the hypnosis to provide you with clarity and healing so that you can get the most out of your session. Sessions will be audio recorded for future listening. After booking your session, I will send you a lengthy document with many resources to help you prepare for your session. The document is for the longer Beyond Quantum Healing Sessions, but the preparation is similar, although not as intense.
If you have already had a Beyond Quantum Healing Session with me, this type of session can be a great follow up or tune up / check in to see how you are doing and to answer any additional questions that arise. These sessions will be 60 - 90 minutes in length, while BQH sessions range from 3 - 4 hours in length, and are much more intensive. See also BQH / Quantum Healing Session to see which session is right for you! These sessions can be done in-person or on Zoom.
Distance Sessions are done on Zoom.
This item is non-refundable after purchase. In the event of a true emergency, I will help you to reschedule, of course.
Intuitive Guidance Session in person, 60 minutes
Please contact me to schedule date / time of your session.
Are you feeling stuck, frustrated, stressed out, confused, blocked? Are you searching for answers from your beautiful team of Guides, Angels, Ascended Masters, Source, Higher Self? Do you just need someone to talk to? An Intuitive Guidance Session taps into higher Universal wisdom to find the answers you seek to questions about your life and highlights the sources of these blockages, frustrations, dis-ease, anxiety etc. We will then bring in your loving team for healing, teaching and wisdom that will help you with your current situation, provide guidance for future direction, and set you on a path of clarity to live a more joyful and abundant life!
Please note that this item is non-refundable after purchase. In the event of a true emergency, I will work with you, of course.
Distance Intuitive Guidance Session on Zoom or phone, 60 minutes
Please contact me to schedule date / time of your session.
Are you feeling stuck, frustrated, stressed out, confused, blocked? Are you searching for answers from your beautiful team of Guides, Angels, Ascended Masters, Source, Higher Self? Do you just need someone to talk to? An Intuitive Guidance Session taps into higher Universal wisdom to find the answers you seek to questions about your life and highlights the sources of these blockages, frustrations, dis-ease, anxiety etc. We will then bring in your loving team for healing, teaching and wisdom that will help you with your current situation, provide guidance for future direction, and set you on a path of clarity to live a more joyful and abundant life!
Please note that this item is non-refundable after purchase. In the event of a true emergency, I will work with you, of course.
Starseed / Stargate Meditation, Healing & Channeling Event Tues. Sept. 10, 7 - 8:15 pm
Only a few left!
And we are back! Calling all Starseeds! Join my guide Wiltara and I for an amazing meditation and healing event in the Stargate! Come relax comfortably in a zero gravity chair and relieve stress, connect into the quantum field, and receive personal & group healing from a host of Angels, Ascended Masters and Star Families, as we anchor the Stargate energies and bring them to all of you! Special messages & teachings from the Stargate guides are certain to be forthcoming during this one-of-a-kind healing & meditation event! Each event will be unique! This item is non-refundable after purchase. If you are unable to attend, you may send someone in your place.
Autumnal Equinox Community Gathering Sunday, Sept. 22, 12 noon - 3 pm
Let's gather and share community with Soul Family! Let's catch up with one another, greet old friends and meet new ones! We hope to gather on the lawn under the old oak trees, break bread together and share in the sacred bond of Soul Tribe. As we move forward into our ever-changing Evolving Earth, the bonds of Soul Tribe will be even more important as we learn to navigate and shape our world. The Autumnal Equinox is a perfect time to time to pause, celebrate and give thanks for what we have harvested during this year of tremendous growth and change, as well as evaluate our creations. We have all been through some epic shifts and changes! Let's support each other and just enjoy a day of camaraderie, laughter and joy! All are welcome. Bring a dish to share and a lawn chair. The event is free but your kind donations are always gratefully accepted. Please RSVP so I know how many are coming!
Meditation & Healing Event, Tuesday, Sept. 24, 7 - 8:30 pm
Please join me for a very special Meditation & Healing Event where we will release any negative energies and find our best alignment for moving into Autumn! Meditation is essential to navigate these times and to feel our very best. It is the best way to start and end our day! Healing is also essential to help us stay in balance so that we can face the world from a position of peace and well-being. As you relax comfortably in a zero gravity chair, you will experience the magic of guided meditation, Healing Sound Bath music, and you will also receive personal Crystal-Reiki healing as well as healing from the Guides, Angels, Ascended Masters and beautiful many in whatever form is most needed for you. As anyone who has visited Crystal Earth Magic knows, there is a beautiful, benevolent energy field here which is very conducive to meditation & healing. Join with Soul Tribe and feel the love!
This item is non-refundable after purchase. If unable to attend, you may send someone else in your place.
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On Sale
A Little Pendulum Magic On-Demand Video Class
Learn the basics about working with pendulums and begin to feel confident utilizing pendulums in many areas of your life. In this class you will learn:
-How to connect with your pendulum
-What your pendulum's movements are for yes, no and other responses
-How to use in healing, divination, chakra balancing
-How to utilize when clearing / cleansing spaces, crystals, food etc.
-How to communicate with your Innate as well as your spiritual team through the pendulum
-How to find lost objects
-How to sense the energy of your spaces, yard, nature etc.
-The metaphysics behind the magic
-Practice with your pendulum to increase your confidence
After purchase, refunds are not available. Video will be sent within 24 hours of purchase.
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On Sale
Creating & Working With Energy Fields with DNA Activation! ON DEMAND Video of Zoom event
Creating and working with various energy fields is of the utmost importance as the energies of the world become more and more chaotic and discordant during this great shift and Grand Awakening on our beloved planet Earth! We can utilize energy fields for protection, meditation, healing work, harmony and many other things. During this online Zoom event, we will work with Stargates, Merkabas, Sacred Geometry and practice creating these and other sacred fields around our bodies and in our spaces. We will also do a meditation to activate and enhance our DNA, which will catalyze and awaken our dormant abilities and ancient cosmic wisdom. For all awakened and awakening humans, this is vital information as we move forward in grace, peace, compassion and unity while creating New Earth. We are the power and the magic of this shift of the ages! Join me for this interactive Zoom event and step into your power! This is a video of the live Zoom event. Video links will be sent within 24 hours of purchase. Please note that this event is non-refundable after purchase.
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On Sale
Awaken Your Intuition! 4 Class Series on Demand
We are all profoundly intuitive! We may just need to dust our abilities off and tap into them anew. With the thinning of the veils and intensive shift and change occurring now on our planet, the time has never been better for us to embrace our intuitive gifts to enhance and enrich our lives in a multitude of ways! In this online series, we will learn about the 4 primary "clairs": clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing), claircognizance (clear knowing) and clairsentience (clear feeling). You will learn expanded and unique ways of understanding, strengthening and developing these intuitive channels. With each class, there will be a meditation / activation which will serve to open these abilities, remove anything blocking these channels, and set you on the path to deep clarity when interacting with the world around you as well as the realm of Spirit. We will also discuss other "clairs" which are less prevalent. This is a recorded series of 4 live Zoom events (4.75 hours of classes, meditations and activations). Download links will be sent within 24 hours of purchase.
Please note that this product is non-refundable after purchase.