Crystals and Stones are electromagnetic energy sources that provide a pure and consistent signature of vibration. By their very structure, Crystals & Stones amplify light, intention, and healing energies. They are also spiritual teachers and guides, providing ancient knowledge as well as contemporary healing and guidance. Everything on Earth emits a unique electromagnetic signature. But due to crystals and stones being comprised of only a few chemicals, as opposed to the human body which is comprised of millions of chemicals, these crystals and stones vibrate at a consistent frequency all of the time. We can therefore employ these crystals to assist us with our vibrations and electromagnetic fields, releasing energetic blockages that may be physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual in nature. Energetic blockages at any level can manifest in disease within the body. Balancing these energies using vibrational healing with crystals can result in peace and well-being on all levels, and can provide physical energy, inspiration, emotional balancing, and spiritual connection for the recipient. Crystal healing has been around for millennia. All ancient (and not-so-ancient) cultures have used crystals to benefit their lives and civilizations. Crystal therapy is performed with the client lying down on a healing table, fully-clothed, and with the appropriate crystals within their electromagnetic fields or over the chakras, organs, or the body's energy centers, meridians, or pathways. With assistance from the practitioner and with conscious direction of energy flow by the practitioner, the client will then come into resonance with these crystals, thereby realigning and balancing the chakras, improving the flow of life force energy throughout the body and energy field. Crystal therapy is profoundly balancing, energizing, and grounding!
I offer Crystal Therapy healing sessions, and often combine this practice with Reiki, Sound Healing, Angel Therapy, Crystal Grids and Shamanic practice for a custom-made healing experience, unique to each client and his / her particular needs. For an appointment or further information, please contact me.
You can also schedule your Healing Session online at the link below.
I offer Crystal Therapy healing sessions, and often combine this practice with Reiki, Sound Healing, Angel Therapy, Crystal Grids and Shamanic practice for a custom-made healing experience, unique to each client and his / her particular needs. For an appointment or further information, please contact me.
You can also schedule your Healing Session online at the link below.