Healing Your Inner Child Workshop: Unleashing Your Full Adult Potential
Nearly all of us have wounded inner children inside that are calling out to be healed. The issues can stem from any number of events during our lives, that are perceived as traumatic and / or misunderstood by the child. These events can be physical, emotional, mental or all of the above. What often occurs is the child feels guilt, shame or unloveable as a result of these events. When the child fears for her safety, a part of he personality may flee in order to save itself from the continued trauma. This is when we experience the phenomenon of "soul loss". As we experience soul loss, we realize that we are not the same person we once were. Perhaps our joy has left us, perhaps our creativity, our passion, our self-confidence, our artistic talent... the important thing is that we are aware that something is missing--and we would be correct. In this workshop, we will endeavor to drop any victim mentality, see inherent lessons and gifts, and own the situation. We are now in the position to be the perfect parent and nurturer for our inner children, and yes there may be many wounded inner children of all ages within us asking for healing. This work will be different because it will be done within 12th dimensional Stargate energies. Within a Stargate at the 12th dimensional level, we are far more sensitive to intuitive information, for we can easily connect into the quantum field. Those of you who have experienced the energy of Stargates during other events at Crystal Earth Magic know how magical and powerful they are. As we take our power during this workshop, many beautiful, benevolent beings will be present within our Stargate offering healing attunements, nurturing and whatever else our inner children need to heal and return home. The Angelic realm, ascended masters, benevolent star families as well as all of our personal guides will be present during the workshop, with the Divine Feminine coming to the fore as needed as the perfect mother. This is very powerful work, all the more enhanced within these higher dimensional energies. Come join me for this amazing opportunity to heal your inner children. Class will include a comprehensive workbook MP3 files to continue the work after class is over.
Nearly all of us have wounded inner children inside that are calling out to be healed. The issues can stem from any number of events during our lives, that are perceived as traumatic and / or misunderstood by the child. These events can be physical, emotional, mental or all of the above. What often occurs is the child feels guilt, shame or unloveable as a result of these events. When the child fears for her safety, a part of he personality may flee in order to save itself from the continued trauma. This is when we experience the phenomenon of "soul loss". As we experience soul loss, we realize that we are not the same person we once were. Perhaps our joy has left us, perhaps our creativity, our passion, our self-confidence, our artistic talent... the important thing is that we are aware that something is missing--and we would be correct. In this workshop, we will endeavor to drop any victim mentality, see inherent lessons and gifts, and own the situation. We are now in the position to be the perfect parent and nurturer for our inner children, and yes there may be many wounded inner children of all ages within us asking for healing. This work will be different because it will be done within 12th dimensional Stargate energies. Within a Stargate at the 12th dimensional level, we are far more sensitive to intuitive information, for we can easily connect into the quantum field. Those of you who have experienced the energy of Stargates during other events at Crystal Earth Magic know how magical and powerful they are. As we take our power during this workshop, many beautiful, benevolent beings will be present within our Stargate offering healing attunements, nurturing and whatever else our inner children need to heal and return home. The Angelic realm, ascended masters, benevolent star families as well as all of our personal guides will be present during the workshop, with the Divine Feminine coming to the fore as needed as the perfect mother. This is very powerful work, all the more enhanced within these higher dimensional energies. Come join me for this amazing opportunity to heal your inner children. Class will include a comprehensive workbook MP3 files to continue the work after class is over.