Beltane / May Day Celebration & Workshop: Wednesday, May 1, 7 - 8:30 pm
Beltane or May Day is a Celtic Fire festival celebrating the peak of the Earth's energies and fertility, as Spring gives way to Summer, and everything is in a riotous state of growth and unbridled activity. This is a wonderful moment on the Wheel of the Year to bring ideas, dreams, creativity, and whatever we passionately desire into action. It is also the perfect time to find and stoke your passion!
Do you have desires and passions that you want to explore or bring into the world? Perhaps you are searching to discover your purpose and passion? Maybe you wish to rekindle passion for things you once enjoyed? During the busy-ness and responsibilities of life, we often lose touch with those passions and the passionate parts of who we are. When we ignore or bury these desires under a mountain of limitations (no time, no energy, what's the use etc.), we create energetic blockages that can manifest in our lives in physical, emotional, mental, spiritual or energetic dis-ease. We were meant to live our passions and birth these desires into the world! We were meant to live in an ecstatic state of bliss!
Intentions set and actions taken during this powerfully fertile time manifest quite quickly and readily, as we join forces with our beloved Gaia. Join me on this special day to explore and unlock our passions, channel this energy with focused intention, and with the assistance of the crystalline kingdom, create abundance, passion and fertility within our own lives. We will create a powerful crystal grid to augment and focus our intention. We will also set group intentions for those assembled, as well as humanity collectively.
And finally, we will deeply connect in meditation with Gaia as we join our energies and intentions with Her, for the benefit of all. We will also connect with the Nature Spirits / Fairies / Devas, and bring their presence into our creative space. Energies from the created grid can be captured in photos which will continue to broadcast the intention, as well as serve as a focus for further meditation.
Community time will follow, so plan to stay and mingle with Soul Tribe! Weather permitting, we can commune with the Nature Spirits on the lawn under the old Oak trees!
It is time to find, follow, and unleash your passion!
Please note that this item is non-refundable after purchase. If unable to attend, you may send someone else in your place.