Anchor into Mother Earth more than ever, because it's going to get wilder and wilder. Nothing has changed regarding where we are going. Our path is set. Our destination is assured. However, the journey must play out. This is about Divine timing, not OUR timing. This liberation of humanity has been in the works for decades on our timeline, and millions of years on a galactic timeline. This is Divine will and destiny unfolding... and yes, we must all do our part in clearing ourselves of all the discordant energies that we have absorbed during our sojourn in this third dimensional reality. Understand, there is much more at stake than meets the eye! Until then, hold the faith, hold the Light. Even though many of you here understand what is happening to some degree, there are just as many that believe all is lost. I'm here to tell you that is not the case. It is merely the illusion of a false timeline. Remember, we were all cautioned about false realities and false timelines. They will be used to wake the slumbering masses. I don't feel it will be that long. Is the liberation of planet Earth worth 2 months? That may be what we are looking at, but again, no one is certain of exact timing. And that is as it needs to be. The masses must awaken in order for this to be a liberation that propels us into the Golden Age. If we are liberated but the masses don't value this freedom, don't understand the horrific evil that has flourished at our expense for eons-- then we are all doomed to repeat what has been transpiring. With a grand awakening, we will be propelled toward the ascension of humanity and never find ourselves in this position again. We have learned much from our galactic heritage, and our galactic brothers and sisters of the Light are assisting in tremendous ways! They are our soul family and are doing everything in their power to keep us safe and free us from this immense evil threat. But through it all, remember that WE are the ones we have been waiting for! WE are our own salvation, not someone or something external! And as much as we want everything to manifest right now, this is the only way. Trust, pray and hold the line. It may get worse before it gets better. In the realms of light, it is merely the blink of an eye. And in truth, it is already done... we are merely watching a movie. Embrace and enjoy this time on our beloved Earth that will never come again! We were all meant to be here right now, participating in the blessed shift. Nothing can stop what is coming!
I hope to see you all soon! Be at peace and go within during this time. We told you it would get louder and louder. Many threats are being issued from all over. Remember these are idle, false and this is a false timeline. Use this time to go within, strengthen your resolve, cultivate your intuition, and know with an unwavering faith that all will soon be revealed! We cannot know the day or the hour, only that the manifestation is near at hand. Take this time to prepare the way for the higher timeline. Be love. Be compassion. Be patience. Hold 5D! The Creator is in charge and the timing and ensuing events will be sheer perfection!