If you have been feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, in need of a time out, or just blah, you are not alone. As always, I want to let you know what is energetically going on in the greater Cosmos as well as with our Earth and with each of us personally. Don't despair! Don't feel alone! Don't think that you are the only one feeling this heaviness, this overwhelm. We have been dealt an exceptional "whammy" from the galactic center that is being delivered via the solar winds, courtesy of our solar deity, the Sun. Usually solar winds are associated with solar flares (Coronal mass ejections or CME's), but this time, the Sun is quiet and scientists are scratching their collective heads. We have been in the midst of these solar winds (and other cosmic energies our science has yet to identify, much less explain!) since about November 1. Personally, I felt their arrival Nov. 1 in the early afternoon. Remember that these cosmic events have an effect on Earth and all upon her for a much greater length of time than our current science can actually measure these energies. We all know we are feeling something that is difficult to integrate, difficult to overcome. Usually, I am affected very little by these sorts of things, and actually enjoy the intensity and all the expansion they bring. But this particular cosmic event left me feeling spent and definitely not myself. When I didn't feel better after a couple of days of down time, I knew I had to do something. And actually, my guides took matters into their own hands and got me out of my funk. I also had the pleasure to experience a group healing event with two wonderful colleagues that really helped vibrate it out of me. The timing couldn't have been better! Synchronicity at its best! It was actually simple, but just like when we are in the midst of an illness or a depression, we often feel we don't have the energy or desire to do what we need to do to move, heal, integrate and expand. It can be a vicious cycle. So we need to be proactive when the blahs hit... No one is immune! Recognition and action is key!
The dreary weather in Northeast Ohio over the past few weeks, not to mention the barrage of emotions and energies related to the upcoming Holiday season (that seems to begin earlier and earlier every year!) has compounded the dense energy, and many of us have wanted to go into hibernation. And while that is fine for a couple of days to recharge, when it becomes longer than that, we need to take action to avoid the downward spiral. Remember that these times of intense energetic shifts are here to upgrade our operating systems, upgrade our DNA, our cellular structures, our nervous systems, our lives and our world. This is big stuff, and it is arriving right on schedule, according to the Universal plan that is! A lot of old energy patterns, beliefs, emotions and baggage are coming to the surface to be released and transformed. This particular round is very intense, and many of us are left floundering, wondering why these things we thought we had cleared years ago are resurfacing in such an acute manner. What we must do in these cases, is let these things go! Let them release! Do not judge them or yourself, or you just push them into the body again, and they will have to find their way to the surface again at a later date! Let them release from your energy field now! And be grateful for the experience and the opportunity to become clearer, brighter, more joyful!
Understanding what is happening, seeing it for what it is, and knowing we are all experiencing these energies together, albeit in different ways, is key to taking command of the situation. Even if you don't want to do it, get outside in Nature. Hug a tree, hug your pets, hug your friends and family. Count your blessings and be in a state of gratitude and appreciation. (Isn't that the true meaning of the Holiday season???) Meditate. Rest. Recharge. Ask for assistance from your spiritual team. Remember that they require your permission in order to help because we all have free will! Ask for assistance every day! Trust in the magnificent divine plan and its unfolding, and know that you are an integral part of that symphony of creation, no matter how you feel at this moment. We all have divine missions that are very important, unique and right on schedule for the ascension planet Earth and all of humanity is going through! If you truly listen to the musings of your heart, (and yes you must be still in order to do that!) you will feel your spiritual team urging you on, guiding you out of the morass, pointing to solutions...
Sometimes we need a vacation, a healing session, a meditation session, a day of fun (whatever that means to you!) to help snap us out of our funk. We always have to remember that unless we practice self care, we are of no use to anyone else. "Self care is not selfish. You can't serve from an empty vessel." And too many of us have been attempting to do that for far too long. So hang in there Soul Tribe. You are all important, beautiful, integral, unique pieces to the ascension puzzle we are all currently working. We all need to be at our best, so practice that self care, especially as we embark on a very busy season. Stay in your center, connect with your guides, don't be afraid to say "no" to things that you don't wish to be a part of. Honor yourself and your mission. And don't be afraid to ask for a little help from your friends. We are all One. What a beautiful symphony we are creating together!
Love, Light and Unity!