Wiltara via Lori
Stargate August, 8, 2019
Crystal Earth Magic |
"The beautiful angels begin to vibrate your energy fields, coming closer. You can feel them. Feel them ministering to you, loving you... these beautiful angels coming with a frequency of unconditional love and support for all of you. And as they always do, they immediately begin with their soothing, healing light, assisting you in integrating all of these high frequency energies that have been so overwhelming for many of you, so catalytic. Some of you who are sensitive may begin to see the colors and the patterns and the spirals as the angels begin to work their light geometries around you and within you. Some of you may begin to feel as if you are actually moving. And if your body wishes to move, allow it to move. Allow it to sway gently, to spiral, as these beautiful colors and frequencies begin to dance with your energy fields, dance with your consciousness... Understand that your angels are working with you in the perfect way for you and so it is an individual energy coming to each and every one of you now. Different energies, different colors, different frequencies coming to each of you because you are all unique individuals... some of you perhaps can hear the music-- the angels whispering in your ears, the beautiful songs that you remember. They seem familiar... and some of you may be hearing this music more and more, hmmm Dear Ones? There has been an opening in the veil, and those of you who are open to this frequency are beginning to hear the music... the singing, the Music of the Spheres as you call it. Some of you are beginning to hear it. Some of you sometimes do not know which reality the sounds are coming from. Do you see the dimensions beginning to blur in that area? For some of you it is with your sight, your visions. Some of you are becoming more sensitive to light-- the energy fields of others, of plants, of trees, of animals... even of spaces. For yes, even buildings have energy fields Beautiful Ones. Very beautiful... just allow the sounds and the colors from the other side of the veil to come into your consciousness. It is easier do it here while you are vibrating in the 12th dimension. And of course, almost all of you feeling the sensations, perhaps the movement, the swaying, the spiraling. It is very important as you evolve, that you begin to listen to the little promptings of your hearts, Beautiful Ones. When there is such high frequency energy raining down upon your planet, it is often quite easy to go into fear. It is easy to go into anxiety. And again, you see it all around you. So do not be tempted... utilize the tools you have learned along the way: connecting into your Gaia, staying in your center, calling upon us to assist you. Understand, the veil thins day by day. It is only natural that as you vibrate higher, the dimensional realities become a little blurred. And so these beautiful ones, the angels are soothing this transition for you-- in beautiful light codes, sacred geometric codes, and yes-- beautiful music, which are more frequencies! It is soothing to your cells. It is helping you to integrate into your DNA all of these changes. But Dear Ones, transitions such as this do not need to be painful. They are times of great expansion, great opportunity! Seize this opportunity! It is what you came to do. And turn to us when it seems to be too much. And utilize the tools that you have learned elsewhere and that we have taught you. It is the most exciting time! The most exciting lifetime you have ever lived in this Earth paradigm! Remember that. Do not be in fear. Do not be in frustration. Open to the possibilities of this beautiful New Earth you are creating. And just feel the angels assisting..." Wiltara via Lori Stargate August, 8, 2019
"Greetings Beloved Ones! It is Wiltara. And as always, it is a joy, a pleasure to be with you this evening in your Earth time. Ahhh look at the beautiful radiance of all of your energy fields! Some of you very fiery indeed! You have been surrounded by more energy than you can ever imagine, Beautiful Ones. It is forcing you to move in one way or another. But, as you begin to integrate this energy into your cellular structure, into your energy fields, it will become easier and easier for you to do as these energies continue to escalate. You will learn how to do it, you will learn how to integrate it, you will learn how to use this energy for evolution, for expansion, for ascension, instead of just erupting with the anger, the frustration, the worry, as you have seen in your greater societies. Do not be afraid and do not be worried about what you see. But do have compassion for these poor souls who do not know how to integrate the energy and do not have the tools that you have. Remember Dear Ones, you are the Lightworkers, the vanguard, the way-showers. As you learn how to do all of this and demonstrate it as you walk through your lives, you show other how. You show others your peace by your example. You show others your love by your example. You show others how to do it, you see. So it is always about working on yourselves first, and that is something that much of humanity has yet to learn. But as you do it, again, you are the leaders... you show others how. And how do you peacefully walk through a storm Dear Ones? You stay in the eye of the hurricane. For we do not wish to delude you that there is not a storm raging all around you. The storm is real. What do storms do Dear Ones? Hmmm? Storms are there to transform. They are also there to balance imbalances-- both of which are necessary for your Gaia and for humanity's imminent ascension. But when you stay in the eye of the storm, you are not buffeted by the winds and the rains and the tumult that the rest of humanity is feeling... and so we wish to help you integrate these energies, to give you more peace, to help you stay in the center." Wiltara via Lori Stargate August 8, 2019 "Understand, whatever you wish, whatever you think, whatever you ask, immediately occurs and takes form. It is something all of humanity is learning. We call it conscious creation and it is what you have come to Earth to remember. And many of you are starting to realize, starting to sense, that your time has indeed sped up, that your time of manifesting has sped up quite extremely. It used to be years before you saw the consequences of an action. And now it happens almost immediately for some of you-- especially when there is a lot of emotion behind it. Those things that you are so-so or tepid about do not happen quite so rapidly. But when you are very passionate about something, it happens quite quickly. Ahhh but when you have that passion, that fire, that drive, that love behind your creations... now Dear Ones, you are beginning to create like the Masters! Remember that your passion, your joy is necessary to create these worlds you wish to live in. And so it is important to reconnect to your joy. Some of you are beginning to remember what that is, or finding new things which create joy for you. What is it that you like to do? Understand that it has changed... those with whom you used to like to spend your time, are no longer vibrating in resonance with you. Hmmm? Not so joyful an activity now, is it? And so some of you still searching for what it is that brings you joy, what it is that you would like to do. Some of you still searching... but that is beautiful! You are recreating yourselves, remembering your joy! What is the trigger for it now? It is very important moving forward that you honor this, and that you surround yourselves with those who honor you as well. Many of you have already moved through much of this transition, and now, the relationships and the circumstances that remain are some of the most difficult to let go of. But you will do it Dear Ones, for these old things no longer serve you. They are dropping away. The old is dropping away! And we cannot stress enough that you are walking through this portal now! Right now! This is the time! This is the time you have waited for for eons, the time you hoped upon hope that would happen. As Earth was just being created, and you knew you could not wait to come into this Earth reality, and to see if you could shift everything... Well done Dear Ones! You have done it! Oh yes, there is much work left to do. But the wind is at your back. It will become easier and easier. And when it becomes difficult, it is because you are in resistance Dear Ones. And oh yes, there are lessons... it is nothing we are doing to you. You have set these up for yourselves. You need to know that you are ready to move beyond this third dimensional reality in which you have been ensconced for millennia. And it is time to spiral up to that next level Dear Ones. Do not trouble your minds with it. Everything will happen as it is meant to. You do not need to understand with the mind. You can't understand with the mind! We tell you over and over to open your heart and feel the truth of this. It is the turning of an Age. There is so much help from the spiritual realms for all of you. Dear ones, well done! Well done!" Wiltara via Lori Stargate July 25, 2019 "Dear Ones, some of you are attempting to create things that no longer serve you, or that are not big enough for you. You are thinking too small. Many of you are used to having "just enough". Just enough to get by, not enough to feel truly abundant. And Dear Ones, your soul wishes to experience something much greater. And this beautiful Archangel (Gabriel) is here to remind you... What are you creating? Why can you not aspire to your wildest dreams? You are creator angels of the highest order. There is nothing too grand for you! Abundance comes in all forms Dear Ones. Health, wealth, love, joy, purpose... so many things, but what they all mean is freedom. And to some of you there may be different nuances to it. So as you are creating or thinking about what you wish to create, do not limit yourself! Think big! Think bigger! You are that grand! You are worthy of all the abundance in the Universe, Dear Ones! There is nothing you need to earn. You do not need to suffer any longer, to endure just good enough. That is an old belief system that it is time to release, that is passing away. Can you let it go now?"
Wiltara via Lori Stargate July 25, 2019 Good morning Soul Tribe! Whew! There's a lot of Fire energy out there stoking our creativity! Yay! But wait, not so yay... The challenge of this time is that Fire is also stoking our anxiety and anger right now. After such an extended period of time in the emotional, stagnant Water realms of June and July, Fire is a welcome ally to get our butts moving again! But oh, the gentle prodding of Fire is quickly turning into an inferno, and all of humanity is feeling it! And to add fuel to the Fire, we've got not one, not two, but THREE holes in our Sun spewing ultra high frequency solar winds our way. It's enough energy to raise the dead! Adding to this already crazy energy is the cosmic portal of the Lion's Gate which is already open and will be hitting its zenith on the 8 /8. We are literally being forced to move in one way or another.
During these times of massive cosmic energy influx and the prevailing stimulating energies of Fire, it is absolutely paramount to practice grounding exercises! Connect to the Earth in whatever way works for you. Just make sure you do it as many times a day as you need to feel connected, calm and able to weather this latest fiery cosmic storm. Don't become the downed power line zapping everyone in sight! (if you want more information on grounding and how to do it, click here to see my article with great tips and explanations). Breathe. Practice exquisite self care. Meditate. Take action on something you are passionate about. Start a creative project that you have been wanting to do. Utilize this burst of Fire to your advantage... if we just sit idly by during this transit, we will feel all of that energy building inside of us and wreaking havoc with our bodies and energy systems. Consequently, if we don't balance this Fire, we may find ourselves burned out, frazzled, overextended or overwhelmed! You will see plenty of other precious humans struggling through this energy who have no idea how to counteract it. It will give us the opportunity to have compassion and understanding for them instead of judging! So Soul Tribe, it appears to be a Summer of feast or famine. What would you expect on the planet of duality going through the shift of the ages??? We continue to have the exquisite opportunity to employ the many tools for inner peace, healthy living and creative pursuits that we have amassed along our journey into the light. We are being energetically forced into action. Focus is the key. It can be difficult to maintain mental focus during fiery times such as this. Again, grounding, breathwork and meditation are your best friends. So is physical activity of any sort. Something that combines being outside with physical activity and meditation is absolutely wonderful! Hiking, biking, gardening... whatever you love to do. Utilizing Earth stones to assist with grounding, Fluorite for mental focus and stones with Fire and Earth energies combined (Pyrite, Obsidians, Rhodonite, Red Calcite etc. see my guide to Stones and their properties for more ideas.) And LOVE is a huge component of this energy. Fire stokes our passion for anything that brings us joy! This is a wonderful time to rediscover your joy and childlike innocence! What will you do with all this amazing creative energy? It is a fabulous opportunity to take giant leaps! If you are having difficulty integrating this energy and are feeling anxious, fearful, stressed, overwhelmed, exhausted, at your wits end... don't suffer alone. I can help you find the balance, peace, joy and spiritual connection you seek. Feel free to contact me to discuss your issues and what to do about them. We are all in this together. Love, Joy and Balanced Creativity to All! Lori |
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