It's hard to believe that the official end to Summer is upon us! Are you feeling like time has sped up to an almost incomprehensible rate? Are you feeling the quickening and change all around you? Well, it's not just you! All of creation is feeling this energy as we continue to be bombarded with extremely high frequency energy from the center of the galaxy. This high frequency energy is affecting anyone and anything upon the Earth, as well as throughout our entire Solar System as we traverse through a very dense photon belt. This photonic energy is what is creating the ascension we are experiencing here on our beloved planet. It also is causing the experience of the quickening of linear time. In fact, time has sped up as we know it for a number of reasons.
Everything is trying to raise its frequency in response to this energy. That includes every human, animal, plant, crystal and being, whether or not they are conscious of what is happening or not. When we are conscious of what is occurring on Earth as well as within the galaxy as a whole, we can better prepare and deal with this energy. We can embrace this change as desired evolution to a higher state of being. We can work toward assisting others to raise their frequencies as we go about our lives simply by anchoring and broadcasting this energy. We are being prepared to upshift into the fifth dimension my dear soul family! We are all currently being asked to clear the negativity and lower frequency energies from our beings and to begin to integrate the lessons inherent within these experiences.
It's time to start seeing that all we have been experiencing has been an illusion of separation--from Source, from each other, from all the kingdoms on Mother Earth. It is time to drop the judgments of ourselves and others. It is time to evolve beyond the lower, limiting frequencies of hatred, prejudice and fear. It is time to evolve in love and compassion for all beings, especially for ourselves! This is the change we have all been waiting for! This is what we asked for! This is why we are here in this amazing moment in Earth's history! This is the lifetime that makes all the difference!
We are shifting dimensions as we raise our frequencies, both individually and as a collective. Everything we do affects the whole. And the whole affects all individual consciousness as well. When we drop the negative mind sets, limiting beliefs, separatist attitudes, fears, conspiracy theories and the whole gamut of things that no longer serve humanity and begin to resonate with the frequencies of love and compassion, as the masters who have walked the Earth have all taught, then we begin to raise not only our own vibration but the vibration of the whole. This shift is here now. It is no longer something that may or may not happen one day. That day is today.
We are in the midst of something that has never happened before in quite this way. The entire Universe is watching us. Will we make it? Can we do it? Can an entire planet ascend en masse? Well the truth is that the planet will ascend with or without us. The question is, will we go with her to the New Earth? Or will we remain in third dimensional Earth to finish playing out the illusion of separation from Source? The choice is up to each individual. The time is now to evolve! The energy supports us like never before, We also have more help than ever before in the form of Angels, guides, Ascended Masters, Starseed beings, Ascended civilizations, Great Beings of Light... They are all only a heartbeat and thought away! They love us, support us, and want to assist us through this grand transition.
It is time for Earth to take her place among the galactic community once again. And we are the beautiful beings of Light who will be known throughout the Universe as "The Golden Ones" of Earth. It will be something to wear as a badge of honor, for we will have shifted something that has never happened before like this. As we walk the Earth in lesson, forgetting our connection to the All and even our purpose for being here, we are not only learning for ourselves and our soul groups, but we are also learning how to integrate these lessons for the rest of the galaxy and universe. This is big stuff! Much bigger than we can comprehend with our human capabilities. Just know that we are loved and honored unconditionally beyond measure. But also know that the time of great change is upon us. We must clear the negativity and low vibrational energies we still hold so that we can ascend into the fifth dimension. This includes not only humans, but all of our institutions as well. Without integrity, no structure will survive the shift. Look around you. Many of the institutions that have not been serving humanity with integrity are falling down. Even the ones we once felt were untouchable. This includes governments, education, medical, pharmaceutical, insurance, etc. Everything must shift and change, and sometimes these things must completely crash and burn in order to be resurrected with integrity from the ashes.
Just know that you are exactly where you are meant to be! Be brave! Drop the fear! Be Love! It is time to soar! We are never alone. We have each other as well as all the hosts of Heaven and the celestial realms beside us every step of the way. Hold on tight my loves! It's going to be a wild and exciting ride! I am so blessed to have all of you by my side as well!
Love and Light! Thank you for standing in your power!