Hello Earth Angels!
Happy Yule / Winter Solstice! Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Happy Kwanzaa! Happy Winter Holidays! Happy New Year! And yes, even Happy Festivus! (for all you Seinfeld fans)... Happy, joyous Whatever-you-celebrate!
No matter what celebrations and traditions you hold dear, this is the time of year to gather with loved ones, enjoy the company of others as we huddle against the cold and snow, make merry, and welcome the return of the Light! All traditions seem to have this common thread...the return of the Light! The Light signifies so many things, but in essence, they are all the same at their core. Light is energy. Light is hope. Light is knowledge. Light is Love. And within each of us, the Light shines--brighter and brighter every day!
During the darkest time of the year, we know that the Light will return. We have faith. As with Yule / Winter Solstice, the Light is our own Sun, our Solar Deity--the brightest Light in our skies that enables life and enlightenment here on our beautiful blue planet. The Light is also the return of Christ or Unity consciousness, characterized by unconditional love and compassion toward all--including ourselves. The Light is also a metaphor for the Divine flame within us, as part of Source energy. The Christed One, whose birth we celebrate, came to teach us about this Divine Light within. The Light too, represents en-Light-en-ment and a return to Universal truth, Universal wisdom. The Light is all-powerful . When we shine a light into the darkness, the darkness ceases to exist. The darkness holds no power of its own. It is merely the absence of Light.
As 2016 wanes during this Holiday Season, we are once again being showered with high frequency cosmic energy, as we have been on and off (mostly on!) all year. This energy may have seemed extremely intense and difficult to handle for many of us during 2016. Many of us have gone through major shifts, awakenings, and transitions this year. There have been joyful as well as frightening times for most everyone. And collectively, we have moved and shifted so much it seems mind-boggling. Do not allow what is going on in the greater collective to sway your thoughts, to commandeer your emotions. Do not be troubled. All is in Divine order. Chaos always preceeds order. It is time for the return of Christ Consciousness and for all of us, the Awakened, to stand together--now more than ever before.
One thing that the Light ensures is that nothing will remain static. Everything and everyone must shift and change in order to accommodate this energy. Humanity is shifting. Earth is shifting. All beings on Earth are shifting. We are all attempting to attune to this new energy, this higher octave, as we continue with the Ascension of our Earth and our entire Solar System. And as we attune to this new frequency, we are forever changed.
Those who are unable or unwilling to try to clear some of the old energy, old beliefs, old emotions from their beings, are having a tough time right now. Just look at the world around us. People all over the world are demonstrating what it looks like when we refuse to let the Light in...they are reacting in all kinds of ways that don't serve them or the highest good in any situation. In order to accommodate this new vibration, this new Light, we have to clear a lot of the density and old energy debris from our being. We have to do the work. There are no shortcuts. But you knew this when you incarnated during these momentous times on Earth. It's why you came. You've been here before. You were made for this moment!
Not everyone will make the shift at this time, and that is ok. We must remember that every human has free will, and if they choose to remain in the old energy, that is their prerogative. All we can do is hold space for the highest good of all involved and continue to shine our Light. When someone is ready and willing to see this Light, then they will. We can't force our Light upon another person, no matter what our reasons for wanting to do so. Every being eventually returns to Source, and so, all eventually evolve at the perfect pace for them.
Just for one moment, look at where you were at the start of 2016 and see where you are now. Were there many changes? Did you welcome these changes with open arms? Or did you run for cover and resist? Has it been a year of synchronicity? Of fear? Of Love? Of surprises? Remember that numerologically, 2016 is a "9" year. (2 + 0 + 1 + 6 =9) 9 is all about completion, the end of a cycle. 9 is also a number of the Divine Feminine which is swiftly making her return to this planet through each of us, male and female alike. 2017 is numerologically a "1" year.(2 + 0 + 1 + 7=10; 1 + 0 = 1). 1 is always about new beginnings. The seed. As this momentous year of change comes to a close, think about what new things you want to birth into the world in 2017. Also, New Year's Day is a triple 1 portal day--the 1-1-1! The cosmic energy supports new beginnings in every sense of the word! Think big, work to diligently clear whatever discord still remains in your life, ride the cosmic wave and start 2017 with a joyous new beginning! And most of all, remember the Love that you are at your core. Remember the Light you carry. Remember that the more of us who shine this ever-increasing Light, the more that will be able to see in the darkness. When they are ready, they can't help but see.
Wishing you all unconditional Love, Light, Peace, Joy, and the best of everything during this Holiday Season, into 2017, and always!
In Love, Light, & Gratitude for all that you are!