How is Everyone doing out there? During these uncertain times of chaos and great change, it can be very difficult to know what to do, how to feel, how to move forward. If feels as if we are in a collective pregnant pause, just waiting ... Much lies ahead my friends, but we are absolutely up to the task of what is coming! While we wait to see what is next on the "agenda" for humanity in this momentous year of 2020, it is natural to want to pause, not make huge decisions, and sometimes, not deal with any of the insanity and drama with which the world outside seems to be gripped. To some it feels liked enforced semi-hibernation. Many of us have found that our haven of inner peace is the only thing that seems real. Others of us find this time ideal for creating ourselves anew, readying everything for the immense surge that will move all of us forward after this prolonged ebb. Most of you reading this fall somewhere in between these two extremes. Regardless of how we are coping with world events, it is of the utmost importance to continue working on ourselves, giving our loving attention to what requires and is calling out for healing, nurturing ourselves, finding peace and tranquility no matter what situations we face. It is no easy task, and we may have days that are better than others... Such is the fabric of the times at the turning of an Age. Everything and everyone that no longer serves our Ascension is falling away. Do not regret or be saddened by this benevolent change. It is part and parcel of moving to the New Earth. There are simply those who cannot and will not be moving forward with us. We must let them go in order to fulfill their own destiny, as well as our own. Unity, compassion and love are the key now. As everything is falling apart right before our very eyes, focus on the vision of how they will look, feel and serve us moving into the glorious Golden Age as Gaia throws off Her shackles of 3D existence and ascends into the realms of Light! She has done Her time in the material Universe and now is poised to be glorified as She and the entire Solar System move into a higher dimensional reality. All that are ready will be ascending with Her. This is the REAL story Soul Tribe! This is the REAL news! Do not get caught up in polarity consciousness and divisiveness. Do not let your vibration be dimmed for one second! The darkness will scream and fight and assail us, but we are ready. Hold your Light. Stand in your Peace. Focus on the New Earth that is dawning on the horizon. There is so much Light and goodness in this world, and we have never had more assistance from the realms of Light than we do now. Everywhere are the Angels, Ascended Masters, Star Families and other benevolent Beings of Light! Reach out and you will know them. You will feel them. They are assisting with Gaia's liberation and humanity's imminent ascension. Focus on healing. Focus on loving yourself! Focus on beautiful, benevolent change and know that all is well and that the forces of Light are in control. The game is won! More and more souls awaken every day and join in the movement of Love! The Desert Days are indeed upon us. The Storm of all storms is coming. Batten down the hatches and know that all is well. We will be tried and tested. We will prevail. Stand in unity and we will weather this storm together! And together in unity, we will create a glorious new future!
The Grand Awakening is in full force. I'm honored to serve during these times with all of you! It is why we are here on Planet Earth right now, just as we planned long ago in a galaxy far, far away! ;)
Love, Light & Unity!