Wiltara via Lori
Stargate July 11, 2019
Crystal Earth Magic |
![]() "We are always here to love and support you Beautiful Ones. It is the least we can do to honor you... for your sacrifice. For so many millennia through the dark energy you have walked. And finally, it is shifting. Finally you are going though it against all odds. And here you are. You sit in a place where you have never been before. Humanity has never reached this. Oh yes, there have been Golden Ages, but this Golden Age is different because you will never go back to the old ways. You are ascending to a new level of consciousness-- a new game , so to speak. It's all so exciting and beautiful to watch! And so, just let us love you..." Wiltara via Lori Stargate July 11, 2019
![]() "You are now clearing and balancing imbalances from many lifetimes, many millennia. Oh Dear Ones, if you could only understand how much you are clearing-- of so many lifetimes of suffering! You are the ones clearing for most of humanity! It is very difficult work! It is why we love you so! It is why we applaud you! It is why we are here to assist you. You don't have to do it alone." Wiltara via Lori Stargate July 11, 2019 "All of this intense shifting is directed by the greatest of Angels, your Higher Selves. It is the way of it. It can be no other way. Beautiful Ones of free will, this is the time you have been in training for for eons, for millennia, for lifetimes. This is the time. It is no longer in the future. It is NOW! It is happening. And we are here to tell you that you have never had so much help. At each end of a Great Cycle and beginning of a new one, there are many Divine dispensations in place that allow all the Beings of Light-- the Masters, the Angels, the Ascended Races-- to come in and assist with a planet's ascension, and that is the case right now with humanity. So that is why there is such an influx of Light, and of help, and of teachers. The ancient teachings are surfacing once again, because now, these teachings can be heard by open hearts. It is a beautiful time. You have trained well for this mission Beautiful Ones. We are behind you every step of the of the way. Never think you are alone! Although Dear Ones, you will be changing your Soul Groups for the next Great Cycle, and not everyone will be coming along with you. And that is perfect for their soul. You cannot hold onto something that is not meant for you. "
Wiltara via Lori Stargate July 11, 2019 ![]() "As your Gaia continues to vibrate higher and higher, all of you will learn to vibrate with her. Right now you are learning that art of moving between the dimensions, and it is often quite disorienting to you. But Dear Ones, you will get the hang of it! Do you remember what it was like when you first learned to ride a bicycle? And you had the little training wheels on? And how different it was when they came off? And perhaps your parents running behind you making sure you did not fall? That is what is happening. It is not the end of the world, Dear Ones, if you do fall. You will be fine. You will learn to regain your balance. And that is what this is all about... learning to regain the balance. For everything is in flux on your Earth. Everything is in flux throughout your Solar System, throughout your Galaxy Dear Ones. It is not localized only to Earth and humanity. You are learning to fly. It will take a little bit of time until it is second nature, so do not beat yourselves up if you are not perfect on the first try. Very few ever are, no matter what the endeavor." Wiltara via Lori Stargate July 11, 2019 ![]() "Dear Ones, many of the events happening these days do not seem to make any sense to you. The higher realms are like that. The more you foray into the higher dimensions, you will see that they do no make linear, logical sense. They can't. This is why it is essential that you begin to install the new operating system which is your heart. The brain has gotten you this far. It was never meant to be the master or the captain of the ship. Your heart must now be your new navigational system moving forward, moving into this Golden Age. For the logical, linear part of you cannot get you there. It is like trying to walk across an ocean Dear Ones... it does not work.." Wiltara via Lori July 11, 2019 Stargate Good morning Soul Tribe! There's a lot of distortion in the fields around Earth today, and the distortion seems to be growing. Be alert for false news, false information, false "prophets ". Many people are still wanting to be told what to do instead of standing in their authentic power with a knowingness of who they are. This is a time to be on alert if you are one who looks for "gurus" to run your life. These times are not times to make rash decisions. Shifts such as these are intended to allow us to go within to our inner guru. It's time to stop looking for the next trend, the next new thing, the next new modality... any true teacher can open the door. But my dears, you must walk through that door yourself. This has always and ever been the way of things. When we quit chasing our tails, chasing the rainbows and stars we think are outside of us, that actually lie within, then we begin the true ascension. We realize the doorway, the gate, the path, the road has always been within our hearts. Spiritual discernment is critical now. There are many who would delude you right now, and the energy cloaks them to some degree. Be ever mindful of where you place your trust and to whom you give your power. You may be surprised... Just because someone or something claims to be enlightened or "new age" doesn't mean that is the case. These times are allowing us to take back our power and develop that discernment that is of paramount importance moving forward. If it doesn't feel right, don't do it! Listen to your inner wisdom. All is definitely not as it seems. Illusion is extremely prevalent. Be aware. Be awake. Be alert. Stay in your center and be Love. This is just a little state of the universe report for this weekend. Stay cool in this incredible heat! Surrounding you with Love, Light, Peace and Empowerment. You are the Golden Age in human form. Never forget that!
~Lori 🌍🦋❤☀️ ![]() As the very foundation of our Earth paradigm is changing before our eyes, remember who you are. Remember your power in any situation. We are going to be challenged, tested, pushed to our limits, and required to navigate uncharted waters. As you see the bizarre becoming commonplace in your personal and global realities, realize what is happening. Don't react with the old energy ways of fear, hatred, gossip, ego consciousness etc. Much of this stuff isn't going to make linear, logical sense, so we must engage our hearts as the new operating system. We are all profoundly shifting. Others are profoundly shifting as well. Paths converge and then diverge again. This is not the time for judgment. Bless others and continue on your path. Loving others and allowing them room to grow in their own way is part of this Great Shift. We cannot sit in judgment of others while proclaiming to the world that our way is the only way. That is just more of the same old energy wrapped up in New Age clothing. When tempted to gossip, demean or devalue others or their beliefs/actions, can we just stop for a moment, drop into our hearts, and bless them on their path? The division and gap is widening. Soon all that doesn't support this New Earth will crumble and fade away. It is happening all around us. Let the old pass away gracefully. This means relationships, thought forms, emotional attachments, energetic trauma, foundations, everything! They have to clear to make room for what's coming. Many of us will be moving into new soul groups for the next great cycle, as the previous cycle is completing. There will be many endings, karmic balancing, and strange people coming into/returning into our lives for this very reason. We will all be challenged to our limits. Understand what is happening. Let shift happen. Stay in surrender, trust, openness, compassion and love. Consider this the adventure of the ages, for indeed it is! Be brave Soul Tribe. Let's try to show a little more compassion to others, as well as ourselves. Let these old emotional responses and belief systems purge from our being. Let them go and be free. It's time to soar together into this glorious Golden Age. There is no room for judgment there. Unconditional love and acceptance is our new operating system. Let's install the updates so we don't crash moving forward!!! I love you all and surround everyone with the energy of compassionate love. Hang in there Soul Tribe! It's kinda bumpy but we got this! We've been in training for eons for just this moment. We are all angels of the highest order and we are prepared to bring about this Golden Age. Just keep your eye on the prize, stay in your center, and remember who you are! Lori |
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