Living in the NOW means choosing LOVE over fear. I thought I had made great strides in achieving this, and while I certainly have come a long way, there is always room for growth in this area. While meditating last evening, I had some very surprising insights into places in my life where I have not been living in the NOW. Every time I feel frustrated about the linear manifestation of a dream or goal (what my guides call "pushing the river"), I'm not living in the NOW. Every time I contemplate a "past mistake" or muse and lament over a scenario that has already completed, I'm not living in the NOW. Every time I agree to do something I don't want to do just to please someone else, I'm not living in the NOW. Every time I wish for a different outcome without fully appreciating the richness, beauty and appropriateness of the gifts and lessons that are inherent within every situation, I'm not living in the NOW. I was shown many areas of my life where I have not been living in the infinite NOW.
The NOW moment has so much power for it is the only thing of which we are certain. The past is the "past" and can't be changed (although we can alter our perception of any event!), and the "future" is yet to be manifested. Whenever we siphon our energies to the past or the future, we steal power from the all-important NOW moment in which we create new realities. Certainly contemplating lessons from past events and creating new things for the future is also important. But the only place from which we can truly create desired change is in this NOW moment.
The true gift of each NOW moment is that in each any every NOW moment, we have the choice to vibrate with LOVE or fear. When we choose LOVE, we are fully present in the NOW moment, and as such, all Universal energies that resonate with LOVE are immediately drawn into our creative sphere and align to assist us. Conversely, when we choose fear, we are not in alignment with the benevolence of Universal flow, and so we often unconsciously create and magnetize to us things that are not in our greatest good and not aligned with our true desires.
So today, at this moment, I choose to be present in the NOW. I choose to embrace the creator goddess that I am. I choose to fully honor and celebrate this gift of living incarnate on Earth, the planet of free choice, during this momentous time of change and Light. From this place, my creation abilities are infinite. Every time I find myself drifting away from being present in the NOW, I will gently and lovingly bring myself back to center with out judgment and choose the next NOW moment on which to focus. Right here, right NOW, I choose LOVE over fear, and so, I am present, joyful, grateful and aligned with All Of Creation. From this place, I am infinite creative potential and can create Heaven on Earth.