We can't change the world around us, but we can change ourselves and thereby shift the world around us by our presence. We can find peace and balance within the storm when we do those things which bring us joy, connect us to Nature, and embrace the simple pleasures in life. Remember to ground, drink plenty of blessed water, get out in Nature, meditate, and disconnect from the insanity as much as possible.
The noise continues to get louder and louder, as we knew it would. There is nowhere to anchor in except inside our hearts. There is no one outside of ourselves to tell us the answers we seek. This is the time of self-empowerment, sovereignty, and learning to trust ourselves and our intuition. The more we use this amazing guidance system, the more we can rely on it to lead us through the "fog of war" and the "mists of confusion" that is characteristic of these times.
When the "time" is right (and of course, we are talking about Divine timing, not human!), we will all know the truth and be ready to move forward as leaders for a new, compassionate, enlightened era. But until we see more of this manifesting in our outer world, it is important not to get frustrated or discouraged, although that is understandable at this point!
Everything in the outer world is illusion right now. Everything is serving an agenda of some sort, although it is unclear whose agenda is whose! We can't and frankly, don't need to understand the minutia right now. It's all theater anyway at this point. It would benefit us all to focus on personal care, growth and balance. Keep the faith. Be the Love. We were made for these times. Thank you for taking your power and rising to heed the call. We are all so dearly loved, we simply forget sometimes. In the end, it always comes down to the question: "Am I acting out of Love or out of fear?" When we remember to choose Love, we are always in alignment with our Highest Version of Self. Here's to the remembering...
In Love & Gratitude,