Things are certainly moving at an even more accelerated pace than ever before! The guides have been telling us about this energy in which we are immersed since the beginning of 2018, and it has certainly lived up to all the hype! "Wow" is the best word I can come up with to try to describe everything happening on our planet as well as in our personal lives... Many of us are still feeling exhausted, bewildered and completely "shaken up"! And as time continues to accelerate, so will our changes, lessons and opportunities for growth. These are unprecedented times! But no matter what happens, know in your heart that everything is happening for a reason. Everything is always in divine order. Try to see events from a higher perspective instead of reeling in the drama of the masses. Try to maintain your higher vibration no matter what events are swirling around you! This is what we came for! We, the Lightworkers, the Vanguard, the Way-showers are built for this. We are holding the light and holding the door open for the rest of humanity to follow when they are ready. But meanwhile, we must stay out of judgment of others, of ourselves, of events... we must try to be observers and not judgers. We must try to always be the love that we are; the compassion we are; the Light we are. This is no time to quit! This is no time to doubt! This is the time we have waited lifetimes and eons for! And each one of us is needed more than ever at this critical juncture. It is about truly, deeply, honestly learning to love ourselves as we are in this moment. It's about finding our joy within ourselves, not as the result of others. It's about staying the course, no matter how difficult. It's about trusting in our inner guidance and a benevolent Universe that supports us in ways that were not possible even a few years ago. It's about surrendering, opening to possibilities that our minds can't possibly understand but that our hearts can feel. My dear soul family, it's about finally living with purpose, joy, love, compassion, and trust.
As we see, our Gaia is moving, purging, purifying... but more importantly she is renewing. Do not fear these events. Celebrate them! Yes, of course we have compassion for those beings in harm's way, but do not be sad. Do not reel in drama with the latest events, for there are many yet to unfold as Earth balances and renews. As Kryon has said and others have echoed, it is time for Lightworkers to employ compassionate action. Instead of adding our sadness to the mix (which lowers our vibration and so the collective vibration), trust in the beauty and the greater wisdom within every situation and send love, light and compassion to those in the midst of dangerous situations. This is our work now beautiful Lightworkers! Release judgment, release expectations of how things should be, love self and others, and know that you are meant to be here at this momentous time on our beautiful Earth! And most of all, know that you are loved and supported unconditionally by Spirit and the rest of this Lightworker community around our planet.
Love, Light, and Gratitude for All You are!