And so we enter the dark time on the wheel of the year, the shadow realm. And what a send off, as we are being treated to a late but incredibly dazzling show of color and beauty courtesy of Mother Nature! This time of year was considered to be the New Year by our ancestors. It is a time of the final harvest for crops in the fields. It is also a time for the final harvest of those things which we have created during the preceding year. Samhain or "Summers's End" has traditionally also been a time when we honor the ancestors and those who have gone before, celebrating the continuing, unbroken spiral of life, death and rebirth. At this time of year, the veil between the worlds is very thin, and we are able to communicate with the Spirit realm in an easier manner. Celebrations and rituals honoring this eternal connection are prevalent throughout much of the world as October gives way to November. There are so many traditions that abound. What do you celebrate? What traditions do you hold dear? What does Samhain mean to you personally? Whatever your answer, make sure to celebrate yourself and all you have been, are, and will be in this never-ending cycle. Honor all of the incarnations upon this beautiful planet that have perfectly prepared you for the role you are playing right now in this grand ascension process! Take a moment out of your busy life to pause, honor YOU and the ancestors, and celebrate! Feel the grandness of all of it! You are an amazing and beautiful part of this cycle...
And as we cross the threshold this evening into the Shadow realm, it is also customary to take stock of what we have created during the year as well as begin to dream into being what we will create in the year to come. Our creations will gestate during the dark time, as seeds germinate in the dark, fertile soil. Honor this time of turning inward, seeking solitude, garnering strength for the season to come. Know that you are loved and honored beyond measure, and you are exactly where you are meant to be!
Thank You for taking your power! Samhain Blessings!