Wow! So much is happening all over the world... the trickle becomes a tsunami! What has been hidden for eons becomes visible to all with eyes to see and ears to hear. Yes my dear family, we are at the "precipice" and the Great Awakening is in full force. This is the time heralded by all of the ancient cultures and sages throughout history. This is the time we humans of Earth awaken from our slumber, take back our sovereignty and take back our planet! The people are waking up all over the world and will no longer bow to the tyranny of enslavement in any form. It has been a slow and tedious process climbing out of the depths of ignorance and servitude to which we have been subjected for eons, but that time is coming to an end. And because of the way it has unfolded, we humans will never let this happen again. We have all suffered through many lifetimes of pain, ignorance and evil, most of humanity never evolving beyond the level of survival. This was by nefarious design, and it is time we all looked at the truth of the matter head on. There is no longer the ability to deny, misplace blame, and hide our heads in the sand. This is the time to rise up as the galactic royalty that we are, and claim our birthright! We do not consent to any more of these dark agendas. We do not do not consent to becoming a robotic race of docile servants eking out an existence without joy, without abundance, without knowing firsthand our connection with Source and the Universe. It is time we remember our magnificence!
It is more important than ever to keep ourselves balanced, grounded, peaceful and AWARE. As I have been saying for years now, nearly everything we see and hear around us is illusion. It is a testament to the human race that so many of us have awakened and are now on the front lines in this epic battle of Light and darkness. Spoiler alert: The Light has already won and WE are the reason. Collectively and individually, we have raised the light quotient of this planet sufficiently, despite all of the odds being seemingly stacked against us, and are ready to be the leaders of this glorious New Earth that is unfolding day by day. My best advice is to be aware of what is happening in the world, but don't be attached to any of it. Don't be mired to social media. Don't be tethered to anyone or anything that says they have the whole truth or "intel". Don't reel with fear and drama with every story. This epic drama will continue for those who have not awakened yet. If you are awake and aware, then ignore the drama! Your inner guru, your beautiful heart, is your best guide through all of the nonsense we are experiencing.
Please take the time to meditate, spend time in Nature, do things that make your soul sing. Avoid negative people and places. This is the time to love others who drag us down from afar. I still hold out hope that many will awaken and join us on the battlefield, as we continue to anchor the Light, gently awaken those around us, and act with compassion no matter the circumstances. No one knows the hour or the day of when events show themselves for all to see, but the information is there for all to examine if they choose. The important thing is to trust ourselves and stop following the latest, greatest blast of nonsense that comes down the pike. Guard your peace relentlessly and utilize your tools of meditation, prayer, healing, crystals, enjoyable pastimes, and whatever it takes to keep you in balance. We are Soul Tribe and we came here to Earth during this most important of lifetimes to bring about the liberation of humanity and a Golden Age for our beloved Earth. We are definitely up to the task. Don't sell yourself short now or fall to the dark agendas. Reach out to other kindred spirits when you need a boost. We are in for the long haul and must be ready when duty calls.
Look to the skies and what do you see? Anything different? How are the clouds looking these days? Have you noticed the clarity of the sunrises and sunsets? Have you noticed that all of the huge solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CME's) keep missing Earth, even though the doomers and gloomers keep warning of extinction level events? We have so much help from our more evolved brothers and sisters, the angels, the masters and our Creator. We are all part of Source. We are all connected on levels we can't even comprehend from this level. Don't continue to let the dark forces cause division and strife between us. Do you really think politics, gender, race, religion and an innumerable number of divisive points sown by the dark ones really mean anything? Are they real or artificially created to cause division? Divided we are weak. United we are strong. Together we are unstoppable! Perhaps the next time we want to lash out in anger, we instead take the 40,000 foot view and remember we are all family-- humanity! Perhaps next time we are triggered, we react with love and compassion, understanding and grace. Now is the time to practice reacting differently, because the storm of all storms is upon us and it is very important we understand just what we are facing. Be Love. Be Light. Be the beautiful eternal sovereign being that you are. And act accordingly. The more we can all do this, the sooner this is over and we can begin building our Golden Age. We've got this! Nothing can stop it! Celebration is in the air and it is a glorious sound!
Thank you for Being!
In Love and Gratitude,