During this time, as the sunlight wanes and we begin to enter into the darker season on the wheel of the year, we also experience a “thinning of the veils” between this world and the realm of Spirit. It is a time our ancestors celebrated as the holidays of Samhain, Day of the Dead, All Soul's Day etc. Nearly every culture marks the significance of this time of year as being important to our connection with ancestors and the ethereal worlds that intertwine with our physical reality.
The “veils” are also thinning daily within our physical world, as things that remained hidden in the darkness for eons are coming into the light, and as many of us have discovered difficult truths about how our holiday of Halloween has been hijacked for nefarious means for centuries. The dark forces have attempted to subvert and pervert all of our holidays for their dark purposes. Halloween, we are learning, is one of the biggest and most outrageous ones to even attempt to wrap our collective heads around.
But Halloween is not the only holiday or tradition that the dark forces have tried to hijack. Many of our dearest symbols and celebrations have been dimmed by these agents of darkness, and so, many people have decided to stop celebrating or indulging in these precious traditions because they are so hurt and outraged by what the dark has done under our noses for so very long. But are we really going to roll over and let them take our joyful traditions? I hope the answer is a resounding “NO!”.
We are all sovereign beings with God inside of us. The darkness is on its way out and is no match for our Light! If we approach Halloween, and all other holidays, traditions, symbols etc for that matter, with joy, reverence, love and pure positive intent, then we have nothing to fear regarding any of it! Why throw out the baby with the bathwater??? Let's remember the fun and joy of Halloween, embrace the traditions from a place of goodness and Light, and let's shift everything to reflect the positive, benevolent holiday it was meant to be for all.
We can tweak and shift things to reflect our greater wisdom. We can keep a more watchful eye on the little ones. We can perhaps shift treats to something healthier. We can embrace positive traditions and perhaps forgo all of the gory, scary things in lieu of the life-affirming, connections of this holiday to the eternal nature of humanity and the universe. Everyone can reassess their own family and personal traditions as they see fit.
For those of you who have known me for years, you may recall that I used to fully embrace the fun, revelry, and joy of Halloween, and I was known for my legendary Halloween parties! (; I still do enjoy the holiday, but in a different way. I very much embrace the introspection, ancestor connection, divination, meditation and deep reverent aspect of Halloween / Samhain. I enjoy seeing the little ones having fun in their costumes. There is so much good about this holiday, that I feel we all need to reclaim it and make it our own, aside from the commercialism and gruesome energy that seems to attack us from every avenue. Let's be aware and awake to what has transpired in the darkness under our noses, but let this not affect us going forward into our beautiful, bright and benevolent future, where our holiday traditions will become even more important for all. Let them be pure, unsullied and filled with joy and connection with each other and with the unseen realms which are all around us!
Happy Halloween / Samhain!
Love to All,