As the very foundation of our Earth paradigm is changing before our eyes, remember who you are. Remember your power in any situation. We are going to be challenged, tested, pushed to our limits, and required to navigate uncharted waters. As you see the bizarre becoming commonplace in your personal and global realities, realize what is happening. Don't react with the old energy ways of fear, hatred, gossip, ego consciousness etc. Much of this stuff isn't going to make linear, logical sense, so we must engage our hearts as the new operating system.
We are all profoundly shifting. Others are profoundly shifting as well. Paths converge and then diverge again. This is not the time for judgment. Bless others and continue on your path. Loving others and allowing them room to grow in their own way is part of this Great Shift. We cannot sit in judgment of others while proclaiming to the world that our way is the only way. That is just more of the same old energy wrapped up in New Age clothing. When tempted to gossip, demean or devalue others or their beliefs/actions, can we just stop for a moment, drop into our hearts, and bless them on their path?
The division and gap is widening. Soon all that doesn't support this New Earth will crumble and fade away. It is happening all around us. Let the old pass away gracefully. This means relationships, thought forms, emotional attachments, energetic trauma, foundations, everything! They have to clear to make room for what's coming.
Many of us will be moving into new soul groups for the next great cycle, as the previous cycle is completing. There will be many endings, karmic balancing, and strange people coming into/returning into our lives for this very reason. We will all be challenged to our limits. Understand what is happening. Let shift happen. Stay in surrender, trust, openness, compassion and love. Consider this the adventure of the ages, for indeed it is!
Be brave Soul Tribe. Let's try to show a little more compassion to others, as well as ourselves. Let these old emotional responses and belief systems purge from our being. Let them go and be free. It's time to soar together into this glorious Golden Age. There is no room for judgment there. Unconditional love and acceptance is our new operating system. Let's install the updates so we don't crash moving forward!!!
I love you all and surround everyone with the energy of compassionate love. Hang in there Soul Tribe! It's kinda bumpy but we got this! We've been in training for eons for just this moment. We are all angels of the highest order and we are prepared to bring about this Golden Age. Just keep your eye on the prize, stay in your center, and remember who you are!