The potent cosmic energies continue to bombard Earth and all of humanity is feeling it! Have you been feeling out of sorts? A little stressed out of the ordinary? A little spacy? Feeling unexplained aches and pains? Feeling like time is passing so fast that you can't catch up? Feeling like you are in two or more places at the same time? Having unusual experiences such as seeing visions, hearing ethereal music or voices, having a heightened sense of other peoples' emotions and issues? Doing things that make you concerned for your mental health, such as putting the eggs in the pantry and your keys in the refrigerator? Well, rest assured, you are not alone!
All of humanity is feeling this quickening, this disorientation, although many have no idea what is going on and are concerned for their well-being. These are not necessarily signs of physical illness. They are what are known as "ascension symptoms". Our bodies and energetic systems are going through "growing pains" as we attempt to integrate this extremely high frequency cosmic energy. When we are unaware, unawakened and completely out of tune with this energy, we may short circuit, act out and even "snap" under the intensity of the energy. Just look at the world around you. Seeing any of this bizarre and erratic behavior from people around you and in the world at large? Even when we are aware, awake and "in tune" with what is happening on this deep energetic level, we can still have issues and symptoms as our nervous systems attempt to keep pace with the ever-escalating energetic assault.
Just understanding what is occurring can be comforting and healing in its own right. As Earth continues to increase her frequency in response to the intense cosmic energies, we, as cells of her body, are also being asked to increase our vibration. When we are unaware or unable to do this, we feel more and more out of sync. Even when we are aware, sometimes the energy is just too much to integrate all at once, and we begin to have these disorienting and often disturbing signs and symptoms.
The Earth and the entire solar system are travelling through a part of the galaxy that we have never been in before in this way. This galactic position is what is causing the increased cosmic energies to rain down upon us, and our Sun is the cosmic gateway for the delivery of this energy. The ancients and indigenous peoples of the Earth all understood and even prophesied this potential for humanity: the Mayans, the Aborigines, the Hopi, and many, many others. It seems they understood these large galactic cycles and knew that Earth would be traversing through this energy at just this time. What they didn't know is whether Earth would still have human life upon her as she made this transit. But against all odds, here we are along for the cosmic roller coaster ride!
Earth is ascending to the higher dimensions, and all of humanity has the opportunity to ascend with her. Those who choose not to do so will still be given the opportunity to complete lessons in a 3d Earth setting. But those of us who choose to ascend with her must shift and change in order to exist comfortably in the higher dimensions. This means we are being asked to clear a whole lot of density, negativity and old energy patterning from our beings. We can't take this old stuff to 5d. And that's where we are headed.
This particular lifetime is cosmically more important than 100 other lifetimes you may have led here on University Earth because we are able to learn and experience so many more things because of this increased energy. We can all interact with hundreds if not thousands of people every day due to the internet and social media. This increases our ability to interact with more soul family and integrate more lessons than ever before. The advent of the technological age has enabled this interaction as well as provided us with many timely inventions that increase our quality of life. Many more are coming! It is a momentous time on our beloved Earth as this lifetime we have the opportunity to finally heal and clear so many of the issues that have plagued us in all of our other lifetimes at a pace we have never experienced quite like this. This task is enabled to a great degree by what we term the "thinning of the veil" between us and the realm of Spirit. The connection between us and our spiritual entourage is being greatly augmented with this influx of cosmic energy, and it is high time to begin or deepen your connection to all those loving beings of Light who surround and support you through your Earth walk: Angels, Spirit Guides, Animal Guides, Ascended Masters and Teachers, Crystal allies, ascended civilizations and our Starseed families, and all the other Light beings who are here to help us through this transition. And God, the Creative Source of the Universe, is all around us, present in everything seen and unseen. We have never had this much assistance during all of our lifetimes since the descent of humanity with the fall of Atlantis 20,000 years ago in linear time.
So what can we do to ease these ascension symptoms? What practices can we engage in to help this transit into the higher realms? First and foremost, wisdom is key! Understanding what is happening cosmically as well as on a personal energetic level is so important to our well-being. Honoring your body as the temple that it is is also important. As you raise your frequency, you may find that foods, activities, people and experiences that used to bring you joy no longer do. You may wish to avoid toxic or negative people and situations. You may wish to eat foods that are healthier. You may wish to seek out new people of like-mind to associate with. Perhaps even your job or living arrangements may shift and change with this new energy. You may find new or hidden talents or interests emerging that lead you to a more satisfying existence. You may be drawn to spiritual things in a way that can no longer be ignored. You may find that you must make time for the most important person in your life--YOU!. Any number of things are possible according to what you planned for yourself to experience in this lifetime and what your overall lessons and divine mission are. These are all individual things and can't be specified, although we can generalize accurately. Change is the name of the game at this point. Resistance is futile!
We are also being asked to release attachments to material things and possessions. You may find that these things no longer hold the fascination they once did. You may be wishing to instead purge and simplify your life instead of adding more and more stuff and possessions to the mix. Honor yourself in this and act on your inner guidance. You will know you are acting in accordance with your divine self when there is peace in your heart and positive emotions and feelings in your soul.
Another important thing to do is to GROUND! Do it daily. Do it constantly. Connect yourself into Mother Earth's circuits so that you are rooted energetically. This way any excess energy can move through you and into the Earth where it will be transformed and recycled in whatever fashion is necessary. If you are grounded, the cosmic energies will not seem so overwhelming and any stress or negativity has an outlet instead of ruminating within your being causing even more stress, inflammatory issues, anger, drama and a host of other manifestations that are negative in nature. (Click the link below or scroll down in the newsletter to read my article on grounding for more help with this all-important activity)
Also of utmost importance is developing some sort of spiritual practice. Meditation and contemplation in any form is healing and helpful. Stillness, meditation, spending time in nature, healing practices, learning self love, compassion, forgiveness, sending love wherever you walk...all of these things help to align us with this new energy and also align us with Universal flow. When we are in the flow, all things are possible as we have that infinite current behind us and flowing through us for manifestation of whatever it is we wish to create.
The most important thing to find is inner peace. There are over 7 billion ways to get there, and your search will be highly individual. But these are just a few of the general ways to begin. Isn't it time to forgive yourself? Others? Isn't it time to show more compassion and love to yourself? Others? Isn't it time to release some of the emotional baggage, old energy beliefs, energetic patterns and things which no longer serve as you ascend in vibration? Isn't it time to step out of drama and resonate with unity consciousness and unconditional love? Now is the time to take charge of your life and stop letting the media tell you what to believe. It's time to stand in your power and do what you came to Earth to do. The energy supports you now like never before. And despite what you may see portrayed in the media, we have turned the corner. The Light has already won. Oh, sure, change comes slowly, but the consciousness of humanity has already changed, and that always has to precede any physical change.
So keep the faith Soul Tribe! These symptoms will pass in time as you upgrade your nervous and energetic systems. Our DNA is actually being "rewired" to accommodate this new energy. So be gentle with yourself. Sometimes you just may feel like being alone instead of out in the crowd. Honor your body, your inner guidance. And know in your heart that you are exactly where you are meant to be! And don't forget to ask for ease and grace with this and anything you do! These are exciting times here on our blue planet somewhere in the outer arms of the Milky Way galaxy. And yes, we certainly can expect growing pains along the way. But some of these practices may help you to get through it more gracefully! The entire Universe is watching the greatest reality show in existence! We have arrived! I honor all of you for your beautiful light and your contribution to this glorious symphony of creation we are performing together!
Love and Light!