Wiltara via Lori
Stargate August 8, 2019
Crystal Earth Magic |
![]() "Greetings Beloved Ones! It is Wiltara. And as always, it is a joy, a pleasure to be with you this evening in your Earth time. Ahhh look at the beautiful radiance of all of your energy fields! Some of you very fiery indeed! You have been surrounded by more energy than you can ever imagine, Beautiful Ones. It is forcing you to move in one way or another. But, as you begin to integrate this energy into your cellular structure, into your energy fields, it will become easier and easier for you to do as these energies continue to escalate. You will learn how to do it, you will learn how to integrate it, you will learn how to use this energy for evolution, for expansion, for ascension, instead of just erupting with the anger, the frustration, the worry, as you have seen in your greater societies. Do not be afraid and do not be worried about what you see. But do have compassion for these poor souls who do not know how to integrate the energy and do not have the tools that you have. Remember Dear Ones, you are the Lightworkers, the vanguard, the way-showers. As you learn how to do all of this and demonstrate it as you walk through your lives, you show other how. You show others your peace by your example. You show others your love by your example. You show others how to do it, you see. So it is always about working on yourselves first, and that is something that much of humanity has yet to learn. But as you do it, again, you are the leaders... you show others how. And how do you peacefully walk through a storm Dear Ones? You stay in the eye of the hurricane. For we do not wish to delude you that there is not a storm raging all around you. The storm is real. What do storms do Dear Ones? Hmmm? Storms are there to transform. They are also there to balance imbalances-- both of which are necessary for your Gaia and for humanity's imminent ascension. But when you stay in the eye of the storm, you are not buffeted by the winds and the rains and the tumult that the rest of humanity is feeling... and so we wish to help you integrate these energies, to give you more peace, to help you stay in the center." Wiltara via Lori Stargate August 8, 2019
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