These are amazing times, full of unlimited potential as well as challenges. Everything that no longer serves us is coming to the surface to be released! As with any transition, ask for ease and grace from your spiritual team! As long as you are committed to releasing whatever is coming up to be addressed, you will be fine! If, however, you judge your symptoms, issues or illnesses, that only pushes them deeper into the body and prolongs this process of release. It will also keep you more unconscious, denser, and less able to hold all of the spiritual light that is flooding the planet and all upon her!
Stay in your peaceful center no matter what chaos is raging around you. Be like the Christed One taught us to be...in the world but not of the world. Ground continually and connect deep into Mother Earth, into Gaia. Connect with those who support you, buoy you up, help you to see your true potential and beauty. It's time to release those relationships, patterns, existences that no longer bring us joy and no longer serve us as we ascend.
The time we have waited for for lifetimes is now upon us! We are beginning to see the changes we have been working and praying for beginning to become manifest in the world around us! As we ascend in consciousness and compassion, with love and reverence for All That Is, we create a massive wave of change that will eventually sweep over the Earth and all of humanity! We are creating a mass awakening upon this planet. We are the way-showers, the change-bringers, the lightworkers. As we ascend in consciousness, we become even brighter beacons for those who yet sleep!
Shine your light beautiful Earth Angels! Stand in Unity with your brethren! WE are all ONE! I honor and cherish each and every one of you and thank you for all that you are and all you'll be!
Love, Light and Infinite Blessings!