1. Realize this is a celestial event that can't be avoided or ignored. It brings many gifts for personal and planetary transformation. However it also brings lessons for us on how to incorporate this energy.
2. Grounding oneself is key to successfully traversing the solar pole flip. Connecting with the Earth & her magnetic energies will keep us on more of an even keel and allow us not to "short circuit" or overload while still allowing us to resonate with the amazing energies for personal and planetary growth and change. Ground yourself frequently and consciously to stay plugged into Mother Earth! Don't be the downed power line flapping around zapping anything in its reach! Ground that energy, protecting yourself & also giving that energy directly to the Earth. She can handle the energies & knows just what to do with them for the good of all!
3. Working with grounding stones & crystals can be very helpful during times of intense cosmic energies. There are many that will work, most notably Smoky Quartz, Black Tourmaline & Hematite. But my personal favorite during times of high energy is Golden Tiger Eye. Tiger Eye has energies of both Earth & Fire. It has the grounding, magnetic energies of Earth combined with the Fire energy of the Sun. Tiger Eye has a very balancing energy that allows us to channel all of that high intensity solar energy into our lives for creativity, leadership, transformation & joy, while assisting us to ground ourselves & that energy so that we remain energetically balanced and better able manifest our desires here in our physical reality.
So give Tiger Eye a try as the solar winds intensify, and use this energy as a transformational blessing for yourself & the Earth!
Crystal Blessings!