Greetings, Love & Light to all of you! Despite what outward appearances and the media would indicate, more and more of humanity is awakening to the truth of their Divine nature every day. There is a revolution going on! It is a revolution of evolution--the evolution of human consciousness! Compassion is growing, as is tolerance, respect and the undeniable knowingness that we are all connected, that we are all one. The separation we once felt between people, between the kingdoms of Mother Earth, between nations, is all beginning to dissolve as we embrace this truth that lives within all of us.
Humanity is in the process of a mass restructuring, purging, regrouping. We are questioning and dis-creating all those structures, beliefs, attitudes within society that no longer serve us. Everywhere you look with the eyes of truth, you will see the need for change and the beginnings of it being made manifest. Humanity is no longer satisfied with the status quo and how things have been done for hundreds, if not thousands of years. It is apparent within all systems on the planet--education, government, banking, insurance, medicine, pharmaceuticals, businesses etc. etc. etc! Anything that does not have integrity at its core must change. We may not have figured out the best solutions as of yet, but the fact that the majority of people on the planet agree that change is required is the first step.
No more are people content to sit by and allow the things that no longer serve us to exist. No longer are people content to be controlled by fear and drama perpetuated by the media and our governments. A united voice is emerging--a beautiful chorus in the symphony of Earth. As more and more of us awaken to our true essence and begin singing our Soul Song, the music of Earth will become more and more harmonious, and will reverberate throughout the galaxy. We are emerging from our cocoon of isolation, of separateness, and metamorphosing into the beautiful beings of Light that we truly are. Humanity is ready to take its place in the Cosmos, ready to once again connect and interact with our families of Light throughout the Universe.
No, change will not come as quickly as we would like. We have been devolving into darkness and duality for millenia. It will take some time and effort and true cooperation with all the kingdoms of Mother Earth to completely right the ship. But it is the beginning. We have passed the marker. There is no going back. You can't un-know what you know. And you can't comfortably go back to a lower state of consciousness. All things must evolve and change. It is the only constant within the Universe. All things, systems, beings, structures must shift and change. Stagnation and stalemate bring only problems. Embracing change is the key to navigating these momentous times on planet Earth. The change starts within each of us, as we embrace our truth, our Divine nature, and the Love that we are at our core. This is how we change the world.
The collective song of Earth is a conglomeration of the individual Soul Songs of each of us. As each of us refines the song that emanates from within us to one of peace, love, beauty and compassion, the planet will be raised up collectively by our individual actions. That is how we change our beloved Earth. Darkness will never be conquered with darkness. It takes the Light of truth and Love to dispel darkness. Make no mistake. The darkness is real. It exists in spades! But when we stand in our power radiating the unconditional love that is our true essence, the darkness will flee. The more of us that radiate this light, the faster the darkness will be dispelled and the faster we make this a benevolent and peaceful planet.
There is so much going on cosmically that is enabling this shift. The energies act upon all. Nothing and no one is immune from the intense energies that bombard the Earth and everything upon her. That being said, this has been and will continue to be a difficult time for many of us.. The darkness we have held within us for lifetimes is being vibrated loose to be released forever by this energy. Sometimes we may feel we are going crazy. Sometimes things may come out of us that we thought we had released long ago. It is the energy of evolution that is shaking our very foundations. We are not going crazy. We are shifting, evolving. We are shedding the darkness and density that has characterized humanity for millenia.
During this time, we may sometimes be knocked off our foundation and act in manners not aligned with our inner truth. When this happens, see this for what it is--the potential for necessary growth and change. Don't continue to beat yourself up when this occurs. Recognize what is happening, own it and move through the Storm. Release whatever no longer serves you and trust that something that serves you better is just around the corner.Get out of judgment of yourself and others. Anything someone else does, even if it feels intensely hurtful at the time, is never about us. It is ony a reflection of what is within them. This is the most important lesson we will ever learn, and it is all about loving ourselves and allowing others to learn and grow in their own way, in their own time.
When we rise and face our inner storm, the storm will abate. But if we continue to resist Universal flow, we will indeed be left floundering. Through all of this shifting, remember that you are dearly loved by Spirit, you are never alone, and you have the power within you to move mountains. Be brave enough to release those people and things that no longer serve your greater good. Incorporate the lessons and move on to new horizons. Know that not everyone will awaken in this lifetime, and that is completely appropriate. It may hurt and seem unfair when those people and situations are those closest to us. But by resonating with Divine truth and our own individual truth, we will have the courage and the strength to move beyond anything that is limiting our true potential, and will come to a higher, better place, more in tune with our true nature. And by living this truth, we will naturally attract people, situations etc. that also resonate with this higher vibration. Forgive yourself. Forgive others. Sometimes we may be required to walk away from those who have hurt us. Let that be okay. Know that you are always exactly where you are meant to be. There is a grand plan, a grand design. Each of us holds an integral piece to the puzzle. Your piece is unique and special, and if you don't share it, it will not be available to humanity. You are that important! Never allow anyone or anything to silence your beautiful music! You are powerful beyond belief. Let your Light shine so that those in the darkness can see. The choice to see is theirs, though. You can't force them, for they, too, have free will. It is the underlying premise of the Universe. Choose in a way that aligns with your inner truth, and you will always make the highest choice.
Love, Light and Infinite Blessings!