Happy Lion's Gate 8-8-8!!!
Just a little note about the prevailing energies... many of you have been feeling the effects of the confluence of cosmic energies in recent days, and have been asking about it. My guides tell me that we are working through a very powerful recessional wave of energy. Recessional waves carry us "backwards", meaning that old issues and conflicts often rear their heads, both in our personal lives as well as globally. When a wave is receding, all the things that were once hidden on the ocean bottom are revealed and brought into the light for all to see. And a cosmic recessional wave is doing the same--stirring up and revealing old energy that needs to be brought into the light for clearing and healing. Many of us are feeling tired, exhausted, going into despair, having old energy things, people and situations "in our face" for resolution. Many are feeling the overwhelming negativity of society and are feeling out of sorts. Dear ones, this wave is starting to subside. There is always an ebb and flow. Stay in your center and don't allow others' fear, drama and negativity draw you into the maelstrom. It will pass. It is already subsiding, and as many of you are also feeling, a massive wave of very high frequency cosmic energy is building. As one wave goes out and another comes in, the bottom is murky and there is confusion. Many other cosmic occurrences are coinciding and seemingly crashing into one another. We have eclipses, powerful full moon energies, and today is the 8-8-8, Lion's Gate, a very powerful and auspicious date for manifestation of whatever serves you personally, and society globally, on our divine path. Many of us have been feeling particularly drained, spacey, out of sync with "reality", and have been feeling we are in multiple places simultaneously. The result is disorientation, and for many of us it has seemed more severe than what we have experienced thus far.
Just know that all is in divine order. Take extreme care to stay in the NOW moment and safely attend to the matter at hand. Get plenty of sleep and rest, perhaps more than you are used to. We all need it now! Set your intention each and every day to safely navigate your physical world. It is so easy to be distracted with this confluence going on. The veils are thinning and this next energetic wave that is coming on the heels of the current one is going to be a doozy!
Stay in your center. Ground, ground and then ground some more. Spend plenty of time in quiet meditation or solitude, so that you can more easily have the energy and fortitude to foray into mainstream as needed. Spend time with others of like mind and heart who can assist during these times of great change. Time has accelerated even greater than before, and we are feeling the effects on every level. Remember that all of our systems are being upgraded down to the DNA in each and every cell of our bodies. Of course it can be a bit disorienting. We need more time to recalibrate than ever before. So allow yourself to do just that! It will pass, we will ride the waves, and we will continue on our paths together toward the New Earth we are all building. Stay the course dear ones! We are almost there! Just breathe, center, ground into Mother Earth and connect with your awakened brothers and sisters all over the world, as well as the host of Beings assisting humanity during these momentous times of change. We all have the potential, both personally and collectively, for huge leaps in consciousness during these times. Hang on tight! It's going to be a wild and glorious ride! This is why you came!