We are in a spiritual war-- a war for our very souls. Many of us are just discovering this reality while the majority of humanity has no inkling that anything at all is happening. Sigh! But unfortunately, the war is one that the forces of darkness have known about and been involved in for a very long time. We have some catching up to do...
This musing is in response to a very disappointing "channeling" from someone I have followed for at least 20 years. This is one of the first sources I discovered back in the days when I began questioning everything. This source was someone I read even before I discovered the Kryon / Lee Carroll material, which was highly catalytic in my own awakening. This person has been doing this work for over 35 years-- one of the first of this generation who spearheaded everything. I won't mention particular names. It is not necessary, for this is my opinion and this person has hundreds of thousands of followers worldwide. I feel they are a good and decent human being who is acting on what they believe to be true information. They have contributed greatly to the Great Awakening. However, I can no longer support them as they appear to have become impure and mind-controlled in their "channeling". This article is simply to draw attention to the paramount importance of discernment-- even if it means parting ways with someone we once considered an elder or spiritual teacher.
Over the past several years, I found myself resonating less and less with the information from this "channel", but there was never anything overtly or blatantly abhorrent to me. And of course, being loyal, I continued to occasionally follow the material. This person has had a lot of difficulty in the last few years, and I wanted to support them out of compassion. There was still a lot of "love and light" and some interesting concepts, although not my cup of tea to follow in any depth. This has changed as of their last "message", which was definitely and unequivocally NOT from an evolved, higher dimensional being. I honestly read in disbelief as the entire deep state narrative was regurgitated onto the page (and into the ethers for it is also in video format). It went so far as to verbally trash and demonize another human being who I know in my heart is doing God's work. Actually, a few humans were demonized who are anchoring New Earth and facing trials we can't even imagine, all for the sake of liberating humanity. All opinions aside, Spirit will NEVER EVER demonize a human being, even if we, as fellow humans, may feel it is warranted. Spirit always sees things from the higher perspective and knows we are all playing roles, we are all fractals of Source energy, we are all sacred and divine beings having a human experience. The venom and vitriol spewed from this person was very uncharacteristic, but as I look in retrospect, everything over the last few years has been leading to this. This is the most important decision we, as humans, have ever made. Any "channel" that has it this wrong is anathema to me. He has become a servant of the "enemy".
This is not the first spiritual leader to fall, and sadly, it won't be the last. At some point they succumbed to the fear and mind control propaganda, and fell prey to the rampant infiltration of the spiritual community with dark and nefarious agendas and provocateurs. Now they are a mouthpiece for deep state agendas under the guise of spirituality. Oh sure, they still throw in the love and light stuff, and perhaps, some of the work is still legitimate. But I smell a rat and this whole scenario has unfolded in typical deep state fashion. Now the programmed information is falling like acid rain upon the unsuspecting spiritual flock, and how many of them have the intuitive guidance, the discernment and the wherewithal to say "No, that is not true!"???
As a channeler myself, I have always held a very strict code to "police" myself and my messages. Any channel who is worth their salt does the same. How did this stalwart of the spiritual community, one of the founding fathers, fail to follow the basic rules of channeling? Attacking other humans and portraying this as channeled information from higher dimensional beings we have come to know and love over the many years of his service? Perpetrating opinions and propaganda that Spirit could not care less about? Sanctifying obvious evil-doers? Propagating all of the lies and control tactics of the negative, regressive ones whom we fight for our very existence, our very life, our very souls?
This is not a judgment of the man. It is a statement of the work, which was anything but channeled from a higher being. Perhaps his human bias got in the way. It happens to all channels from time to time. Perhaps he is channeling the negative consciousness or artificial intelligence that is so rampant in our world. Perhaps the traumatic events in his own life left him open to nefarious interference, and now he can't tell the difference between benevolent and malevolent. I simply do not know. I will always be grateful to this person for his service to humanity, I will send him love and compassion and hope he returns to the light he walked in for over three decades. I just won't follow this channel again.
Unfortunately, this is just one instance of many within the spiritual community. We have been infiltrated, assailed, tricked, subterfuged, lied to and led down the Primrose path. We have been manipulated and led to place our belief and trust in others, when it can only come from within ourselves. As those of us who have the wherewithal to be discerning watch leader after spiritual leader show their compromise, their bias, their manipulation and their fall from grace, we can only try to learn from these experiences and wish them well, but no longer be part and parcel to their mind control agenda. They have become, consciously or unconsciously, a mouthpiece for the opposition.
This is a spiritual war for our very souls. Choose wisely. Your heart always knows the truth.
Thanks for listening to my rant. Blessings on your journey!