As we collectively passed through the Dec. 21, 2012 portal into the ascended Earth template, everything changed! All the previously prophesied doomsday scenarios are now null and void, and we are collectively embarking on planting the seeds for a new and benevolent, enlightened Earth. It begins with each one of us individually. As we clear the clutter deposited from eons of living in dark energy, we begin to understand Universal truths. We begin to see our connection to each other, the kingdoms on our beloved planet, to the cosmic realm, and to the All That Is. We find the Divine within ourselves and begin to realize that everything that we desire has always been inside of us, just waiting for this moment in time to be activated. We feel the drive to change that which no longer serves, both within ourselves and in the world as a whole.
As we passed into the New Earth paradigm, our DNA was activated. Before we incarnated in this lifetime, we all understood the potential for this time on Earth. We all knew that quite possibly, this would be the end of Earth University. But we all also knew of the potential for ascension--against all odds. But that is exactly what we did! We passed the test! We are all now ascending with Earth! How glorious is that? We all deserve a collective pat on the back and some celebration for this amazing planetary feat! But back to our DNA...when we did pass the cosmic marker, "Post-Shift" codings on our DNA were activated. These are literally "Plan B" scenarios that will now allow each of us to embrace our true divine mission--one that could only be achieved with Earth's and humanity's collective ascension! That is why we are all feeling compelled to shift, change and evolve now! That is why we are all, in our own way, working to make this world a more benevolent place, full of the integrity of the human soul! These are the promptings of our soul that were activated as we passed through the portal to ascension status!
Massive amounts of cosmic energy has been pouring into our planet and entire solar system. This energy is the engine that will fuel Earth's ascension and humanity's great awakening. That is why we have been feeling disoriented and suffering "ascension" symptoms. As Earth's and humanity's available dimensions expanded with the shift, we all have greater access to the higher dimensional realms. The disorientation, dizziness, confusion etc. that we have been experiencing is part of adjusting to the new energy and the expanded dimensionality. We are actually learning to shift dimensions at will! But we don't have the hang of it just yet. Much of the disorientation that we feel is because we are flipping back and forth between dimensions and are not acclimated to the energy! That will all come in time, Earth Angels!
For now, rejoice in our collective accomplishment. Know that you are not alone. We are all in this glorious moment in time together. As we learn to incorporate the cosmic energy and learn to hold more of our own divine light, we will know what to do. Let the divine wisdom of your heart guide you through these changing times. Allow your soul's promptings to steer the course, and follow your heart! By following your joy, you will know what changes will most benefit you and your world. Your joy indicates where you will find your divine mission. Work is not supposed to be about toiling, pain, suffering and sacrifice. Work is supposed to be about following our joy and radiating that joy to the world! The sooner we learn and embrace this fact, the sooner we make our lives a peaceful, joyous Heaven on Earth! And once we do that, we begin to radiate that joy and love out into the world, thereby helping others to do the same. That is what the shift is all about, and that is what we Lightworkers came here to do. And against all odds, we are doing just that!
Love, Light and Many Blessings!