How is everyone doing out there??? Are you staying in your peaceful center radiating your Light? Or are you being triggered by personal and global events? Do you trust in your heart that all is well and in Divine order? Or are you reeling in fear and drama? Do you know beyond the shadow of a doubt that all around you is illusion and only Love is real? Or are you feeling sad, angry, worried, frustrated?
Whatever your answers are to those questions, can you let it be okay? Can you accept yourself where you are and Love yourself no matter what? Can you allow for the possibility that all you are feeling, experiencing and seeing is actually serving your personal as well as the collective evolution? Perhaps when you are triggered, that negative emotion that arises is serving you, showing you where you still hold density, where you are still in resistance to the flow, where you still feel separate from Source. Perhaps these triggers are a great gift! Not only are they serving you, they are also providing you a gauge as to how balanced you are.
It is easy to be a master on the mountaintop away from the great drama playing out on our Earth. It is far more difficult to walk through your life amidst the drama and negativity, and still hold your Light! Maybe you are having good days and bad days. Maybe some days you need to give yourself a little extra tender loving care. Can you allow yourself to be imperfect as you evolve, awaken and expand into your mastery? Can you show yourself compassion and Love instead of judgment? Can you finally allow yourself to release all of these toxic emotions, thought-forms, dis-eases etc. that are holding you back? Can you release them now and find true freedom? That is the key to evolving my Dear Soul Tribe!
We know that crazy, wild times are on the horizon and the storm of all storms is brewing. Dig deep into Gaia. Stand strong like the tree with roots deep in the Earth and its head in the Heavens. Call upon your spiritual team continuously. Connect with your soul tribe! And if you have no soul tribe, put out the call to find those who are kindred spirits and can walk this path alongside you. Everything is culminating in a grand crescendo. We will be tried. We will be tested. We will be faced with difficult truths. We will be needed to pick up the pieces of many shattered souls as they awaken from their slumber. You are all up to the task or you would not be reading this and here on this planet of free choice as we are poised on the edge of Ascension. You have trained for eons just for this moment. You are far greater than you realize and far wiser than you give yourself credit for. We are all surrounded by the realms of Light. Our brothers and sisters in the higher realms of Light are ever-present. They wouldn't miss this Grand Ascension of Gaia and humanity!
And while the storm is indeed coming and will be of a magnitude we can only imagine but will soon experience firsthand, we can be unscathed if we stay in our peaceful center, in the eye of the hurricane. Chaos precedes change. And that change will be rapid and all-consuming. The old energy is dying and fighting for its life. It cannot win. The New Earth will arise like a phoenix from the ashes of the old. And together we will rebuild it in our own image with Love, Compassion, Integrity and all beautiful things. Thank you for being here on the front lines and for taking your power! It is time to Ascend to the realms of Light! We are here standing in solidarity. We cannot fail. In unity, we are magnificent and strong beyond our understanding. Look to the skies to see how much assistance is with us. Training is over and the show has begun. Enjoy the show!
Love to All!