The shifting sands of our current timeline continue to challenge and keep us in a state of uncertainty. Nearly everyone on the planet, and certainly in this country, are in agreement about one thing: something is going on that is out of integrity. And even though it may be difficult at times to discern what it is, we know in our hearts, in our bones, in our guts, that something isn't "right", that we are not being told the truth, that we are being systematically "played", that there is manipulation and deceit rampant in everything the media is portraying. Why would they want to keep the people in fear? Why would they want to create division? How long has this been going on? How long have we been asleep?
The questions are many, and the answers are few and mostly not believable. I encourage you to look beyond what you see on the surface. I encourage you to for one moment, step out of your fear (although many of you are fearless!!!) and view things from a higher perspective. Whatever you believe or think you know right now, it doesn't matter, because in the end the truth will be evident to all. This insanity that has become 2020 has only just begun. It's about to get even weirder. It's about to become even more draconian. But through it all, we will prevail. Evil is being exposed. Darkness is being flooded with Light. The shadow is in the open now and there is nowhere for it to hide. All the secret places where darkness hid itself and thrived are being destroyed one by one. Evil is fighting for its life.-- and you won't hear that on the news my friends.
We the people of Earth are here with a mission . We have waited eons and lifetimes for this day. This is the revolution. This is the liberation from tyranny. This is the Ascension. This is the ushering in of a Golden Age for the planet. You are awake, aware and positioned here right now in this moment in time by appointment. There is no accident or coincidence to any of this! It is more important than ever during these times to keep our thoughts, emotions and actions positive, regardless of the situations with which we are faced. The Law of Attraction is in high gear, everything is manifesting very rapidly, time has sped up as we approach the event horizon of Ascension.
During these unpredictable, challenging times, we are being given a gift. The gift is to fully learn to live in the moment. The NOW moment is the only place from which we can create..We are all master creator gods and goddesses who agreed to forget our magnificence and pretend to be human for awhile. We are now in the process of remembering who we are, why we are here, and how to create like the masters. These times force us to stay in the moment and create from this magical place! The days of planning far into the future no longer apply. The days of comparing and applying models from the past are no longer viable. It is time we walk like the empowered creators that we ARE and lead the rest of humanity into the New Earth! Wiltara had very important messages in the last two Stargates, and here is a snippet from June 25.
"You are the greatest of Angels. You did not come here without a plan Dear Ones. Everything is in motion. All of the parts moving in Divine Order, Divine Resonance, Divine Harmony. Do what you do and trust the other Angels you came here with to play their parts. Rest easy. Do not believe most of what you hear. The true test is your own heart. How do you feel? These times are teaching you to follow your heart above all else. It is the only barometer you have. Everything else is topsy-turvy, as you say. Nothing is solid. Nothing is certain. You do not know what is true and what is false. There is very little truth around these days except what is in your own heart. We want to assure you that everything in the end, which is a beginning, is beautiful. It is more beautiful than you can even imagine. And this is why we are already celebrating."
You see, in the quantum field, the victory is at hand and the New Earth is here! We just need to flow to it in our timeline. And I'm sure it will be no surprise that this insanity will continue into November. Expect the unexpected. Stay out of fear. Your will and reserve will be tried again and again. Your limits will be pushed but never broken. Remember the love that you are. Focus on what you want to see and create. Know that most everything you are seeing is illusion. Be kind to one another. Have compassion. Maybe you are the Lighthouse in someone else's storm.
Have a wonderful Holiday weekend celebrating Freedom!
Love & Light to All!