And just like that, it's July! Time, as we perceive it, continues to accelerate at a rate our human minds are having trouble assimilating. This unprecedented pace has many of us feeling disoriented, out of sync and just plain exhausted. As Gaia and all of humanity continue raising our frequency, life will feel faster and faster, and eventually, we will become better acquainted with the "no time" as we foray into the higher dimensions with more regularity.
We have all experienced the feeling of "being out of time". There are times when we are doing things we love with people we love, fully present in the moment. These days seem to last a fleeting second, but often the entire day passes as if in a dream. And then there are the times when every minute seems like an
hour-- those times when we are not enjoying what we are doing and looking to the past or future. There are also the times when we experience vivid dreams that seem to go on all night, but upon waking, we find that seemingly hours or days of our dreamtime occurred within the course of a few minutes.
All of these experiences are showing us that we have indeed been dabbling in the "no time" realm all of our lives. It's just a matter of tapping into the higher dimensions so that we can better navigate the shifting sands of our world as we know it, as well as the one we are creating! It only gets better and more exciting from here!
When these ascension symptoms occur, the best thing to do is be present in the moment. Stop what you are doing, take a few deep breaths, connect your energy deep into Mother Earth, and feel the emotion of gratitude, appreciation, love or joy. Just look around at the beauty of a Summer's day in the garden, with a kaleidoscope of colors, textures, fragrances, sounds and sensations. Gaze into the azure blue sky and see the pictures in the clouds. Watch the animals and birds and insects being perfectly present in the moment. Spend time doing the things you love with those who you enjoy. Say yes to new things. Say no to drama, people and things which do not vibrate in resonance with your new soul song. Be your fabulous self without apologies to anyone! Meditate, pray, commune with Nature. Make a Daisy crown. Create nutritious and delicious meals from your gardens. Slow down and be fully present in the glory of a Summer's day, for this too will pass in the blink of an eye. Savor every delight and be joyful!
The most important thing to remember in these rapidly changing times is that everything, no matter how frightening, negative or evil it appears, is all in Divine order. See things for what they are-- strong agents of needed change! Stay out of the drama of opinions and pointing fingers at who is to blame. This country was founded on principles of integrity and equality for all. It will take awhile to correct course. In the meantime, there will be many things that seem upsetting on the surface. These things are occurring to show us where we are out of balance and out of integrity, as a society, a country, a global race, and as individuals. Stay in your center and send your high vibrations out into the world. Hold strong in your integrity, knowing that we are all angelic at our core, even though some are playing the roles of villains in this current act. All of these things must come to our collective attention to be rectified.
Let's come together and work for change with integrity, instead of resorting to old energy programs and fighting amongst ourselves. Division and separation are how we have been controlled through the long eons of density and darkness upon our planet. Let's stand together in love, peace and integrity, upholding what we know is in the best interest of the All. Let our actions speak of the love and compassion within our hearts. See every situation from the higher perspective and know that everything is happening for a reason and that everyone within a situation always has the free will to participate or not from a spiritual level. Do not allow the negativity and drama swirling around you to lower your vibration. Old Souls, this is why you are here now, awakening on the planet of free choice. Stand together in your power and hold your light! It is time for compassionate action, not empathic overload! Nothing and no one can stop this wave. Trust in this and be joyful! It is always, always, always in Divine order.
Love, Light and Gratitude for All You Are!