As many of you know, I have been out of the loop for a few weeks, and I wanted to let you know what has been going on. Robert had a massive stroke on Dec. 12, so I have been trying to navigate this with as much grace as possible at a time when he is incapacitated mentally and physically. I want to thank so many of you who have reached out with love, prayers, support, financial donations, food, personal items and more during this difficult time. I certainly am not used to being in this position, and am learning how to receive. It is a wonderful lesson, and I have surrendered into it. I have discovered that although I initially felt very alone, there is an abundance of people who love and support us! Your amazing generosity has been a bright blessing and I am overwhelmed with the beauty of your souls! We can't thank you all enough for everything you have done for us! And also, thank you to those of you who have been so understanding, as I have had to reschedule several events during December.
There are many lessons I am learning during this time, and I feel a great transformation happening in my life. I've been healing, meditating, surrendering and finding rays of hope in what would seem to be the heart of darkness. Some of the things I have learned is that we are never alone, not even in this physical world. Of course our loving spiritual team is always with us, and that part is easy for me. Navigating the apparent reality of this third density is what has been the most difficult. But with patience, trust, hope and grace, we will get through this and use this lesson to be of service to others going though similar things. What I have learned (although I already knew this!!!) is that Western Medicine is broken beyond repair. It is a deep, dark hole that can be frightening and overwhelming. I can't imagine how anyone can do this without a medical background-- and even then-- it is beyond challenging.
But even in the bleakest places where compassion and human connection seems to be non-existent, there is Light. There are still some practitioners who hold this Light, and their care and compassion provide a beacon in the darkness for those suffering. Despite a broken system, these brave, beautiful souls are living their mission and are making all the difference to those who cross their path. And while they may be few and far between, and while the system attempts to block their ability to care for their patients at every turn, they are there, shining in the darkness, lighting the way for those who feel lost. My gratitude for these unsung heroes has no limit.
When I was still practicing nursing, I was always striving to hold such a light for my patients and their families, as well as my colleagues. It was always more than a goal-- it was who I was, my mission. I look forward to the day when healing will once again be full of love, compassion and true health care. And moving forward, we will all create this together, the way it should always have been.
I have also learned on a deeper level of how precious those we love are! Over lifetimes and especially over the last few years, many friends, families and loved ones have become estranged because of differing ideologies, egos, opinions and many other things that don't amount to anything important when something like this happens. We fall into our little worlds and forget to pay attention to those we love. Robert and I have always shared a close connection and understanding of each other that seems rare in today's world of separation and division. But even so, I see that I had been focusing on my own stuff, perhaps not giving him the attention he deserved. And had I done so, perhaps I would have noticed that this was coming. And while I know that we co-created this event as something we wanted to explore and experience, I can't help occasionally looking back and wondering if I should have insisted he get checked out... Unfortunately, our bodies are still of a physical third density material, and sometimes we need traditional medicine. I do and have always felt there will always be a need for emergency medicine. And again, I look forward to the day when that medicine is benevolent and healing instead of the beast it has become.
But my final thought is to cherish your loved ones. Pay attention to them, even if they drive you crazy and repeat stories you have heard a million times. Let bygones be bygones. Don't take things personally. Not everyone can see things from the higher perspective just yet. And sometimes, our ego is the thing telling us we are coming from the higher perspective, when indeed this may not necessarily be the case. And when someone you love is simply too toxic to deal with, then love them from afar. But understand those who yell and protest the loudest are often the most wounded and in need of love. Just don't take anything personally and you will be far better off in the long run. All of the Masters who have walked this Earth have shared similar messages.
Love is the answer to everything. It is why we are here. It is the fabric of the Universe. It is the energy of the Creator. It is what sustains us, fills us, connects us over space and time. Love is the only thing that is real. Cherish it in all it's crazy, messy, beautiful, blessed aspects. We can never know what will happen, and life can change in an instant. So mend those fences, love with all your heart, show compassion to those in need even if you share differing views Be that beacon in the dark for those who are searching for the Light. I am forever grateful for those who have been that Light for us. You have made all the difference, and with everyone's help and understanding, we will make it through this great transformation, be all the better for it, and help others because of our experience. That being said, I know I can only speak for myself. He will need to decide on his own what happens next. I'm working with his Higher Self, as I can't work directly with his human consciousness just yet. Patience will need to be foremost for me, and I know this may be challenging. So I will be moving forward, getting back into life.
See below for any rescheduled events or new ones. Those who have bought packages, feel free to contact me to schedule. I'm in a good place and know that all will happen in and for the highest good. Thank you all again from the bottom of my heart!
Wishing you a beautiful, abundant 2024 full of joy, laughter, health, wealth and everything that makes your heart sing!
Love and gratitude to all of you!
I will be having a New Year's Sale on Saturday, Jan. 13 from 11 am - 3 pm. I planned to do this sale on Dec. 16, but the Universe had other plans. You will find many great savings to support you in 2024! (See below for details!)
We also have some great events coming up, and many more to be scheduled in 2024. Many of you are asking for online courses (since so many of you have moved!) and so I will be scheduling those as well. Stay tuned!
The Dec. 12 Meditation & Healing Event was sold out, but I had to reschedule it. It is now on Tuesday, Jan. 9 from 7 - 8:30 pm. If anyone is unable to attend, I will open up more spots. I have also scheduled another Meditation & healing event on Tuesday, Jan. 23. See below.
I also hope you can join me for the Rescheduled Divine Feminine Winter Retreat on Sunday, Feb. 4 and the Reconnect With Your Joyful and Creative Self Workshop on Sunday, Feb. 25.
The Awaken Your Intuition Course is now available on demand for a deep discount. Details are below.
I'm still offering a very special savings on a 3 session healing package for a limited time only. It's a great time to treat yourself, put yourself first, and save a huge amount on your healing sessions! Click or See below for details.
I will be back to making YouTube videos very soon. I included a video below. You can subscribe to my You Tube channel if you are so inclined HERE..
Everyone needs a little help now and then. Whether you want a tune-up or a major overhaul, I'm available to assist in whatever way is in your highest good! If you aren't sure, feel free to message me and we will figure out what is right for you.
You can book a session or message me HERE