For those of us who have been walking this spiritual path for some time, we are finally starting to see real shift in the fabric of humanity which is beginning to be reflected in the greater world around us. For those of you new to this path, welcome and thank you for taking your power! Humans everywhere are waking up, taking their power, realizing that our Earth, our Gaia is out of balance, and taking steps to align with a greater good, a greater truth--one that serves all beings with integrity, love and compassion. We old souls have spent many lifetimes and many millennia in the darkness of the old, dense energy, but we are finally starting to see the fruits of all our labor. The light is bright and beautiful to behold! And it emanates forth from each of us! We are the light! We are the change that is occurring and still to come. Together we birth this New Earth from the ashes of the old. The time we have waited for for eons is here beloveds! It is happening! And each one of you was meant to be here at just this time, for you all have done this before, on other planets, in other star systems. You have trained for just this time! There is no coincidence! And together we are causing a tidal wave of benevolent change within our societies as we create this New Earth! Well done beautiful ones!
Humanity has a multitude of spiritual beings and ascended civilizations assisting with this transition to the New Earth. Remember that universal law prohibits their interference. But when we ask and connect with these beautiful beings, many of them aspects of ourselves in other dimensions and realities, they can they begin to assist in whatever way we wish as long as it is in our greatest good. The veils grow thinner each day, and many are having experiences that they can't explain away, causing them to look deeper, to start searching for what is really happening.
We are in the midst of an ascension on our beloved Earth Dear Ones! And each and every one of you is an integral part of this whole. Without your individual note in the song of creation, the symphony of ascending humanity on our dear Gaia is incomplete. There is no coincidence that you are right here right now awakening Starseed! Welcome home!
During 2018 and beyond, the thousands of benevolent guides, angels, ascended masters and Star Families that support awakening humanity and the Starseed / Stargate work will be assisting all of us with their teachings, healings and attunements to the New Energy of this New Earth. We are not alone beloveds! We have never had so much help! Join me and these beautiful guides for wisdom, assistance and support either alone or in the many Starseed / Stargate events here at Crystal Earth Magic or at many places around the world. We have arrived! Thank you all for being part of my journey! And thank you for awakening and shining your Light!
Love, Light and Gratitude for All You Are!