It is my mission to assist with the awakening of humanity! Whether you are new to the whole ascension / awakening concept, are beginning to spread your wings, or are already firmly on your path, it is my goal to help you in whatever manner you require to confidently embrace the divine purpose you planned for yourself before you incarnated into this particular lifetime! It is my mission to assist you in remembering your divine mission, your divine path of service, the love, peace and joy that reside within you. And it is also my mission to help you begin or continue to share these gifts with those around you. Why is this my mission, my purpose? I am fully committed to being a catalyst for this awakening through healing, teaching and providing a space for events where all of us can reconnect with our gifts, our spiritual families, and with all the Universe holds for each and every one of us. I am here to remind you of your magnificence, your beauty. I'm here to catalyze you into action! As more and more of humanity awakens to the divinity inside and begins to shift this world with love and compassion for all beings, we raise the vibration of all of humanity, all of our beloved Earth. That's why! The time of ascension is upon us and it's my mission to help as many of you as I can remember who you are and why you came. And for some of you, the Old Souls among you, it is my mission to urge and coax you into taking your position of leadership to assist all of humanity with this paradigm shift all of Gaia is experiencing right now!
What is it that you truly love to do? What makes your heart sing? What are your particular gifts and talents that you can share with the world for the betterment of all humankind? Where are you still limiting yourself? Are you still holding onto limiting health issues, belief systems, emotional baggage? Are you worried about everything that you can't control? Are you afraid what others will say? Do you fear that you are not worthy of unlimited joy, love, abundance? I can help you release all the things that are standing between you and living the life of your dreams! It is time Dear Soul Family! The time for fence-sitting is over and it's time to walk our talk!
As we say goodbye to 2017 and welcome 2018, we are already feeling a very perceptible shift in energy. There is an excitement, a newness, and perhaps something we can't quite put our fingers on... but most of us would agree it feels exhilarating! Although we all may experience the beginning of the New Year in our individual way with our individual goals and aspirations, there is an underlying current of compassion, interconnectedness, and expanded awareness. We are shedding those beliefs, emotions, and energy blockages that no longer serve us in our ascent into the Light. We are starting to see how we are all part of something much greater than we ever imagined. We are all integral parts of the grand awakening of humanity, and our Earth. These are unprecedented times on our beloved planet! And as humanity awakens from the dream of separation, our Galactic and Universal families in the realms of Light await joyful reunion! The celebration has already begun!
Whether you are just beginning to awaken from the dream and are just starting to become aware of your spiritual connection to all Beings within the Universe, or whether you have been walking this path for quite some time, you are an important part of this ascension of humanity and our Gaia. If you are well on your way or firmly established in your expanded awareness, compassion and unconditional love for all beings, I have a proposition for you. Are you ready to do your part, to play the role you chose for yourself in this important incarnation and assist with the catalyzation of the awakening of humanity? Are you ready to be a leader, a fore-runner, a way-shower to those behind you on the path? Are you feeling the call to your path of service? If you feel a stirring in your soul with these words, then join me in the Stargate work here at Crystal Earth Magic. We are announcing our awakening to the Universe, and are setting great energies in motion with the work we are doing here. Join me as we forge new connections to our spiritual families in the realms of Light. Connections to many kingdoms who once interacted with humanity before our descent into extreme unconsciousness are also being reawakened.. to the realm of the Dragons, Merpeople, Fairies, and others! They have so much to teach us!
For those of you just beginning, allow me to assist you in self healing, self-discovery, self-awareness. Let me assist you in remembering how amazing you are! Let me help you release all those things that are holding you back. It is time. And if you feel excited and ready to move forward, to be part of this mass awakening, then contact me. There are many ways to help you on your individual path at your individual level, from private healing / reading / intuitive development sessions, to group healing / awakening events, to classes in a wide range of subjects.
These are exciting times here on our Earth Dear Ones! But we have work to do! Help me build this energy field with this Stargate work as we begin to bring about the awakening of humanity! And help me achieve my mission by saying yes to finally putting yourself first. A healed and balanced you will shift the energy of the planet in ways you can't imagine! Let's do this together Soul Tribe! Thank you for taking your power!
Love, Light and Gratitude for All You Are!