For decades and probably millennia, the spiritual community has been held hostage. We have been infiltrated by dark forces that do not have our best interest in mind. We have been lulled into a false sense of security and fed untruths which have served to dis-empower us! “It's all love and light” is one of those dis-empowering untruths. Oh sure, on the level of Source, everything is love and light, and everything is in perpetual balance and harmony. But we are incarnated in this physical reality where it is most certainly NOT all love and light! When we hide our heads in the sand, refuse to face the issues facing our world, and pretend that some savior will deliver us from evil, we play right into the clutches of the dark forces. This disconnects us from our power as eternal, creative beings who volunteered to retrograde or lower our vibration in order to come into this physical reality to “fight” the darkness. We came here with our loving essence and our eternal wisdom that we gained from eons upon eons of experience throughout this multiverse, and we knew that we could change things from the inside out. Being an agent of change requires action and alignment with our true selves as creative Source beings. We knew that there would be challenges, profoundly negative experiences, sorrow, and evil beyond our understanding as higher vibrational beings. And we knew that we could change it all and deliver Earth and humanity from this darkness so we could once again join our brothers and sisters in the galactic community and bring that love and light into the darkness.
We are part of the Earth experiment that began very, very, very long ago. We said, “Wouldn't it be fun to see how far we can bring the Light into the darkness?” And that is exactly what we have done. This Universe is one of the farthest away from the Source Light. It would take beings of extreme light quotient and bravery to succeed at this quest. And so we dropped into this physical reality, agreeing to forget who we were, agreeing to forget our connection to Source, and agreeing to face the darkness head on, knowing that we could illuminate the dark spaces with our love and light.
But at countless points along the way, just as we were making headway, the darkness always seemed to snuff out our light and send us back to square one, wresting even more control over humanity. They nearly succeeded again in our current era. But this time, the lightworkers, lightbringers, awakened ones, starseeds will succeed. And of course, in a higher dimensional perspective, we have already won. But remember, there is a lag time between creating something in a higher dimension and it manifesting here on Earth in physicality, the densest realm which accordingly vibrates the slowest. We must finish the task at hand and stop with the “it's all love and light” masquerade. We are here in a physical reality to take physical action. Everyone has a different mission and a different role to play. Even the darkness has a role to play in the grand scheme of things by showing us our true power-- a power they have skillfully hidden from us for eons. Pretending evil does not exist in this reality is not helping anyone or anything. In fact, it is a dangerous path many are being led down by their “spiritual teachers”.
There are so many “spiritual teachers” who are professing the love and light scenario. Many have been taken over or corrupted by the dark forces. Some are definitely infiltrators of the darkness posing as lightworkers. Others are simply confused. Still others are afraid of losing their followers or the money associated with speaking their truth, and so, succumb to numbing, dis-empowering platitudes which lull others into a “do nothing” approach. Many are afraid of being de-platformed from the rampant censorship. Others pretend to be something they are not. Discernment has never been more important! Your heart knows, your gut knows, your entire being knows when something is not right. You don't need anyone else to tell you what is right, how to live, how to act, how to think! But in order for discernment to work, we must be clear, we must be informed, we must be open to allowing other information to enter into our consciousness! Isn't that what growth is all about?
Fear has been the dominant vibration on Earth for millennia. It is the complete antithesis to Love. When humans are kept in fear by the actions of the dark forces and their minions, we lose our true power. It lowers our vibration. Fear provides “food” for the dark forces who feed on our negative emotions. We must, at this critical juncture, open our eyes, open our hearts, and see the fear mongering for what it is. This is the last gasp death rattle of a dying old guard which has enslaved humanity and reduced us to little more than sheep (Nothing against sheep! They are probably far wiser than many asleep humans!)
So what do we do? Well, many of us are doing it! We are educating ourselves according to our discernment. We are working on ourselves and healing many lifetimes of trauma, often working for our ancestral line or the entire collective of humanity. We are standing up and saying “NO!” to the tyranny, the fear porn, the division, the corruption, the darkness in all its many forms. What an education we have had over the past few years as all of the evil things which were hidden in the darkness have been brought out into the light for all to see. It has been painful. It has been difficult on so many levels. Everyone has their breaking point, and we are seeing this now in our greater society. A mass awakening is underway! But if we lightbringers are to be the leaders, the stabilizers, the “rocks” in this tumultuous epoch, then we need to stop with the love and light and stand up! What can you bring to the collective to help with this grand awakening? What skills, assets, talents, desires do you have? All of these things are gifts that you planned to possess for just these times. Do not comply with tyranny! Stand in your sovereignty! Stop dumbing yourself down to make others feel better or to keep the peace. Be who you truly are! And maybe we need to stop trying to please everyone else and stand in our own truth, our own power! Stop following and start leading! Stop giving our power to anyone, and that includes spiritual leaders who are not in resonance with our truth or the times at hand! We will all need to stand up before this is over, my dear friends.
We can no longer allow others who are brave and standing in their truth and sovereignty to be culled, either literally, by censorship, by cancel culture, by division, and by any other ploy of the darkness. It's time to wake up, stand up, buck up and UNITE! Stop being coerced by others. You know your truth. Stop falling for the lies! My goodness, just stop, take a breath, throw off your chains and breathe the fresh air of an ascending planet. What can you do to help? Perhaps its showing compassion to others who are in turmoil. Maybe it is gently teaching others who are asking for your wisdom. It may be simply holding a high vibration while living your truth. Others will be guided to a more active approach in running for local offices, councils, school boards etc. Some of you may be active legally via the courts. There are so many ways you can stand up and be a part of this battle of Light and darkness.
Let's stop being afraid and divided. Let's form communities which support us. We are infinitely more powerful together. And while the darkness is dying, we still have work to do. One day, when you are asked what you did to bring about this shift, what will you say? Will you say “nothing, I hid my head in the sand? I ignored it all because it wasn't about me?” I hate to be the one to burst your bubble, but it will all come to each of our doorsteps before this is over. That is an inconvenient truth. How else do we secure this timeline for the future if everyone doesn't comprehend what has been going on under our noses for our entire existence?
And most of all, turn off the tv, listen to others who have wisdom that resonates with you, learn all you can and trust yourself to discern what to keep and what to throw out. And guess what? It is perfectly ok to resonate with some things another says and not everything they say. We don't have to throw out the baby with the bathwater, do we? And probably one of the most important things is to stop judging everyone! We are so quick to judge others. Even if we are being cognizant of it, it seems to be instilled in many of us. How about judging the message and not condemning the messenger if not everything they say resonates with you? Can't we be kind and simply ignore those things we don't agree with? Social media has many gifts, but it also has many negative things, and the instant judgment and character assassination of others has got to stop!
No one has all the answers, especially in these times! I think we will all learn a lot together very soon, and our world will change very quickly. But first we must unite and stop with the division, And for goodness sake, it is most definitely not all love and light here on our planet. But at our core, we are that. We are the balance. And so much more that we will all be re-discovering. The future is very bright and beautiful, and I'm excited to share it with all of you. But first, let's finish this thing! Together.