The rapid changes keep coming and we find we are "not in Kansas anymore"! All of humanity is receiving an upgrade, a download, a recalibration. Whether we lovingly and gratefully attune to and accept this gift is up to each of us individually. In the greater world around us, we continue to see many souls who are refusing this upgrade, thinking that by sheer will, they can keep things the same as they have always been. But the truth is that they can't. No one can. What is occurring right now on our Blue Planet can't be stopped, and those who refuse to accept the upgrades are becoming more and more frustrated, irate, and out of balance as they continue with old energy vibrations and actions that are no longer supported by the current reality.
It's the same as trying to operate Windows 10 programs with a word processor. It just won't work, and most of the programs can't function with the old operating system. We can put off the upgrade as long as we want, but eventually, we will be forced to "install" the new operating system if we wish to continue functioning in this world. We are moving to 5D, the fifth dimension that all of the prophets and sages have spoken and written and taught about for eons as a possibility for Earth. And now, 5D is a reality we are rapidly moving into. There can be no more fence-sitting in this new energy. We will all be asked to choose where we want to be, and then impelled to make the changes that support the new Earth reality. It's time to walk our talk...
Our societies are demonstrating much of this unrest, and believe me, the powers that be are going to do everything they can to keep us separated and at odds with one another. We can't run 5D programs with 3D operating systems. And this is what we are seeing being played out on the Earth stage.
Many of you may have felt outrage, separation and judgment this week as a result of the actions or non-actions of others. Even for those of you who do not watch TV or follow posts on social media, it has been everywhere so that it is difficult not to see and hear about it. But Dear Ones, don't you see? This is the planet of free choice. Wherever we judge another is just showing us where we hold judgment of ourselves, where we still hold density, where we still have things we must release if we are to move on to the New Earth and not bring the baggage of 3D with us. These are the "fanning the flames" actions of the old energy guard who is invested in keeping us separated and at odds with one another. If you look closely, you will see this old energy game being perpetuated in every area of our societies and in every country on Earth. Whenever there is a huge media "distraction" that captivates everyone's attention, look for what we are being distracted from. There is always a "smokescreen" deployed to cover up the real news that the old energy guard doesn't want us to know about. It's the oldest trick in the book, and we fall for it every time.
And about country... do you not realize Dear Ones that we are now a global society? With the internet, social media, and international travel being the norm, we can pretend we live within the borders of countries, but the truth is we have become one society--the society of Earth. Draping a flag around oneself and marching to the drum beat of a particular anthem does not change that fact. Yes, society is slow to catch up with this reality. The old energy wishes us to remain segregated and separated behind invisible borders. When someone does something that offends us, perhaps we should ask ourselves why. We live on the planet of free choice and in the country that proclaims to the heavens how much we value freedom. But freedom for whom? For everyone? Or just for those with whom you agree? Think about it for just a moment... why do the actions and beliefs of others affect us in any way if they are not directly causing us bodily harm? The more we beat the drum and respond with old energy (3D) programming, the more we feel separated from one another. The more we feel separated from one another, the more we revert into an even older energy (word processing). If we see something that we do not like, why don't we just stop giving it energy? Why do we continue to rant and rave and protest about it? Why don't we just turn off the TV, scroll past that post, or delete that e-mail? The old way is to fight about it as if ours is the only right and correct view. The new way is to allow everyone their individual differences as long as it harms none. And if it is not to our liking, then remove it from our energy field instead of fighting about it. The thing we don't want to see or hear about will go away very quickly when we cease giving it energy. It is a very different way of reacting and existing in this New Earth. But this change in the way we react is key to making peace on Earth a reality, not just a pipe dream.
When something or someone upsets us, we should consider it a gift. This interaction is showing us what we still need to release, heal or integrate. Remember that whatever we push or fight against pushes back with a vengeance. That is why the "war on drugs", the "fight against cancer", and all the other things we wear tee shirts for, march in parades for, and proclaim our personal "war" against never work. It is fighting darkness with darkness Dear Ones, and that is a 3D program that has kept the world at war for millenia. The only way to defeat the darkness is with Light. Many sages have come to teach us this important lesson, and their words have fallen on deaf ears. But today, as humanity is experiencing the highest vibration ever known on Earth, perhaps we can now hear. Perhaps now the teachings of the wise ones can now be integrated. Perhaps now, we can move into the age of Love, Peace and Unity, appreciating instead of fearing our differences. Each person is a beautiful spark of the Divine, unique and imperfectly perfect. But despite the individuality that makes this Earth Walk interesting, we are all One and from the same Source. Let the reality of that sink in the next time you want to act in an old energy manner... with hate and judgment and separation. What if we choose to think, feel and react with Love, Light and Unity consciousness? We will never all agree on everything. But we don't have to keep perpetuating the darkness and we certainly don't have to continue fighting each other over every difference. How has that worked for humanity over the last 10,000 years?
Breathe in Love. Breathe out Love. Be Love. It is the true essence of who you are. In Love, all is possible. In Love, all is beautiful. We now have the power and consciousness to create our reality. Let's endeavor to make that reality an evolved, compassionate one, not the same old same old. We are One.
Love, Light and Peace to All!