The river of time and Universal flow moves ever on. Are you in the flow or resisting? Are you trusting and allowing that there is a grand plan, a grand design, that will always carry you to where you are meant to be for your greater good? When we resist this cosmic current, our lives become a struggle and we expend much energy attempting to avert the tide. When we try to make something happen in a time frame that does not flow with synchronicity, we end up "pushing the river", as my guides like to say. And deep down, we all know intuitively that the river does not need pushing! Just as the Element of Water always finds the path of least resistance, so too can our lives. If we just allow and trust, we will be carried effortlessly to where we are meant to be, to our next phase, to our greatest opportunity for growth. It is all about that trust in the benevolent nature of the Universe and also, about truly believing that we are worthy of something better that we have not even considered. It is also about truly allowing the river to carry us safely on our journey.
Many of us on the spiritual path have been experiencing challenges in our lives of late regarding relationships in our lives. These may be primary relationships, such as within our biological families, our close friends, our co-workers, and even with the institutions that are part of our world. We may find that as we move and grow, increasing our vibrations, refining our "Soul Song", that we move out of resonance and harmony with those people and things that once brought us joy, with whom we once shared peace and beauty. When this occurs, we may indeed try to stave the tide, to dam the river, to resist that Universal flow that carries us apart. The more we resist those things that are meant for our greater good, the more difficult the lessons may become. Sometimes we must accept the fact that certain people or things are no longer in harmony with who we are and who we are becoming, and lovingly let them go. As we release that which no longer serves our greater good, we then have room in our lives for those things that will serve us better, bring us more growth, bring us more joy. It is often a very painful, difficult lesson to release those closest to us with whom we once shared resonance. But ultimately, it is the kindest thing we can do for ourselves.
As we navigate through our own personal "Storms", we may feel hurt, frightened, disoriented, and emotional upheaval. But when we face our personal storm and "go with the flow", we just may find that we are indeed carried safely and lovingly to something better and more glorious than we could ever imagine.
It is often a tough and painful lesson, but in the end, all lessons are opportunities for growth. Be brave enough to face the storms within your own lives and allow the Universe to nurture you, protect you and bring you, through synchronicity and serendipity, to where you are meant to be. I promise that it will be worth the pain, worth the "loss", and worth the lessons. All storms eventually abate, leaving the freshness and brightness of new possibilities. Time heals all wounds, all pain. Release and allow! Expect something better than you could have ever imagined to be just around the bend of the river of time!
And through the storm, let Spirit guide and support you with unconditional love. It takes bravery and trust, but we can all do it. Universal flow will ultimately win. We can go kicking and screaming or willingly, but we will all eventually go. So why not do it consciously and with purpose and passion? Create the world you wish for yourself! Yes my fellow creator gods and goddesses--you are that powerful!
Love, Light and Infinite Blessings!