Wow, things sure are getting interesting out there! When we signed up for this Earth Walk, did we understand what a magnificent, wild and crazy ride it would be??? Every day it never fails to amaze me the times we are living in and the exponential change that is occurring every moment of every day! When we are open to the wonder of what the human collective is shifting, we can't help but be blown away by what we are accomplishing! Those who are reeling in the drama of every event in the news or every latest threat being broadcast to the world are missing the greatest opportunity of any lifetime we have ever lived on our beautiful Earth! The sheer nonsense of everything we are seeing, hearing and experiencing is driving us inward-- to the only source of truth that exists for us in our 3D world-- our own hearts! Almost as if by design, we are being coerced within our own souls to figure out the madness and find our peace and balance amidst the chaos. What a brilliant scenario when that which seeks to divide and conquer us is, instead, pushing us toward sovereignty, unity, and discernment. Only we can decide what is right and true for us. No outside source has all the answers. No outside source has the ultimate truth. I think we will all be surprised when the veil lifts and the credits roll on this epic production who is who and who is playing what role in the ongoing drama to liberate humanity. And while many of us are growing weary and frustrated by the insanity, we have no choice but to push onward, find our peace within the storm, hold our light high, and find refuge within our peaceful center. In days to come, if we can do this, we will be a guiding light for others who have no idea what is going on and who are and will be in fear, anger and despair. Remember Starseeds and Old Souls, this is why we came. This is why we are awake now in a sea of those who still sleep. We can't possibly understand all of it, but we know enough in our own hearts that all is well and that this is the shift of the ages, as we purge the Earth of negative, harmful forces and continue to raise the vibration of ourselves and of the collective so that we can ascend beyond the grips of what has kept us imprisoned and enslaved for eons upon eons. If you don't understand the enormity of what is occurring, you will. If you do understand, then on those days when you lose faith, remember what an honor it is to be here now, and that we were chosen out of billions and trillions of other souls because we had the best chance of succeeding on our missions of helping the Earth and humanity rise above it all. We are so close we can feel it, taste it, even see it when we are calm and meditative. This is the time to cultivate a spiritual practice, to meditate, to spend time in Nature, to figure out what brings us joy and to DO those things!
Many of us are longing for our Soul Tribe, as we have found that many friends and family have fallen out of our lives. We are no longer in resonance, and that is the way of things as vibrations become incompatible. It has been difficult for many of us, but this is what happens during an ascension such as this. And that is not to say that many will not come around and see the light at the last moment. Everyone will be given the chance to go to the New Earth. And if they are comfortable in that vibration, then great! If not, then their soul needs and wants more work on the 3D level. It is always an individual decision that only each individual can make for themselves. We can be there to love and guide others, but sometimes, all we can do is love them from afar. We can hope that they evolve, but again, much of this has already been determined by our own souls. We can't cry over spilled milk and lower our vibration by worrying about those who can't hear us. We must trust that all is in divine order, and that the most important thing we can do right now is to heal ourselves, love ourselves, have compassion for others, and keep our vibration high. This is how we help, not only ourselves, but the planet and humanity as a whole.
We are all up to the task or we would not be here! It is important to gather with our soul tribes of like mind and heart in these times. We all need the community of others who can support us on our bad days and who we can assist on our good days. Let's all be there for each other and cultivate these new relationships based on mutual respect and love. Thank you for shining your light and taking your power. We've got this Soul Tribe! We have so much help from the realms of Light! Tune in and see for yourself! WE cannot fail if we move forward in unity and love.
In Love and Gratitude,
Everyone needs a little help now and then. Whether you want a tune-up or a major overhaul, I'm available to assist in whatever way is in your highest good. If you aren't sure, feel free to message me and we will figure out what is right for you. We need all of our troops in tip-top condition for the long road ahead! You can book a session or message me here.
Many of you are longing for the community of like-minded souls and to find your Soul Tribe These relationships are being fostered by the energetic shifts that are occurring now. I have several group events upcoming that will foster the community many of you are seeking, including the May Day / Beltane Celebration this coming Sunday. Other upcoming community events also include a Meditation & Healing event, & the Summer Solstice Celebration. Also, another Reiki I, Reiki II, Crystals & Stones 101 and the debut of the Crystal - Reiki Level I class have been scheduled! See the classes & event schedule for more information. Everything has been selling out quickly, so sign up soon to reserve your spot! More is coming! Stay tuned!