The perfect timing was July of 2018, as I was called to participate in a Stargate Facilitators event in Mt. Shasta. I knew from the very beginning that this was the next step in my journey home on the road to expansion of consciousness and self mastery. While I was excited about the Stargate event, I knew that being in the energy presence of the Mountain was far more important than the actual event.
I left Cleveland and flew into Sacramento, and the travelling was easy, comfortable, and non-eventful. I knew I had an angel escort every step of this journey. The following day, I set out on the 3 1/2 hour drive north to Mt. Shasta, driving through miles and miles of irrigated fields growing anything from corn to rice to soybeans to orchards filled with beautiful fruit. On either side of the freeway, I was surrounded by mountain ranges as well as the extremely arid landscape that has been the site of many wildfires this Summer. While I did not see any active fires on my journey, the signs were all around me-- scorched Earth, blackened grass, and occasionally distant smoke on the horizon. My excitement was palpable, and as I finally got a glimpse of the snow-capped Mountain 100 miles to the south, I began to receive a torrent of downloads, messages and communication from guides and beings within the energy vortex that is Mt. Shasta. My goal for this trip was to be completely open to whatever came without any expectations about what it should look like. I felt the energy of my Lemurian and Telosian family long before I ever set foot on the Mountain.
As I finally arrived at the city of Mt. Shasta, the view and energy of the Mountain surrounded me, and all points in this city commanded magnificent panoramas of this sacred site.

Beverly gives frequent concerts in the evenings with her own personal crystal bowls (250+) in her personal healing room. These concerts were far more than concerts. She has an understanding of crystalline physics and communicates in such a deep way with the crystalline consciousnesses, that it is astounding! Her "concerts" are interludes of DNA coding, expansion, healing and activation that carry far beyond the evening. Life-changing is the only word I can use to accurately describe the experience! It was so amazing that I attended two sessions, both very different and equally transformational!
In another shop, there was a huge display of crystal skulls. Crystal skulls are cosmic libraries of consciousness coded with all the wisdom of the ages. There are many tales and legends about the crystal skulls, all involving Atlantis, Lemuria, the Mayans, Ancient Egypt, and many other ancient civilizations and sacred sites. Even the contemporary crystal skulls tap into a field of energy shared with the original and ancient skulls. Many claim to have original crystal skulls from Atlantis. Many claim to have ancient skulls. It is difficult to sift through and decipher all of the information that abounds on the subject. Suffice it to say that all skulls have a great energy about them. Activated skulls (those that have been worked with a lot in a high consciousness manner) have even more available energy, and create great energy fields around them. I have had the experience of being in the presence of several supposedly ancient skulls, and these possessed an even greater energetic presence. Some of these skulls were claimed to be original, although this is a matter of question or discernment that everyone must figure out on their own. The subject of crystal skulls has always intrigued me, and I now am caretaker of 3 crystal skulls of my own, all contemporary skulls. Whatever the truth and origins of the skulls, they are powerful, sentient beings, and I have no doubt that they are somehow tapping into the field of the original and ancient skulls. This will all become clear as humanity raises its vibration enough to be a frequential match for the wisdom of these skulls. I have no doubt that much will be revealed at the perfect time.

The following pics are from Ascension Rock, an area sacred to the indigenous as the entrance to the city of Telos, and site of the Lemurian arrival in this area. The huge volcanic rocks provided a challenging and awesome experience in this high altitude paradise. The landscape here is blanketed with Red Fir giants, silent sentinels standing guard over this sacred place.
Many of you wondered if I would want to come back. As much as I delighted in my homecoming to the Mountain, my life and work are here in Ohio. I could not wait to bring this energy back and share it with the land and all of you. It is such a gift and a privilege to be awakened and alive at this momentous time in the history of our beautiful Gaia! I feel excited, enlivened, and more certain of my purpose than ever before! The Lemurians, the Telosians, the ancestors, and the power of this sacred Mountain are still with me, guiding me, reminding me of the connection which now lives within my DNA. I am forever changed by this experience. And it is good to be home. Here the green, verdant, lush landscape that greeted me was a healing balm upon my soul after the dry, arid, drought-stricken lands in California and surrounding areas. This is where I belong at this point in my evolution. My beautiful garden welcomed me back with an outrageous show of blooms and produce, for which I am forever grateful. The Nature spirits were very busy in my absence, and all is in Divine order.