Most of the trees have already shed their leaves. A few leaves remain clinging to branches, but even these are brown, withered, dead. The gusty winds that blow all around me rip these last hangers-on from their treetop perches and send them cascading down around me like a thousand tiny paper airplanes. The sound of these dried leaves falling adds another musical tone to the woodland scene, and I am grateful for their gift.
Within the shelter of these woods, the bucks and does perform their seasonal courtship dances; squirrels and chipmunks play, chase each other, and forage through the carpet of fallen leaves for their supply of nuts and seeds for the Winter to come. Many feet below me, the river sings her own song, as she splashes and flows over rocks in her watery bed. Otherwise, all is still, silent, waiting.
The trees, mostly bare, stand tall, strong, resolute, in stark contrast to the brilliant blue sky above. The low sun angle at this time of year silhouettes their beauty and grace, as they are back lit by the ever-waning late Autumn sun's rays. The effect of this juxtaposition causes long, deep shadows to dance across the woodland floor, bringing to mind the shadows that exist within myself, shadows for which I seek counsel. This is why I am here. This is why I come to this place. I seek answers to that which has eluded me these past few weeks.
I walk with a question in mind. I am ready and I proclaim it to the woods. "Dear Spirit", I cry to the trees, the sky, to Nature herself, "What am I missing? What has happened? What is it within me that has caused this series of events to occur? What must I do to regain balance, peace, joy within myself? I feel lost, afraid, uncertain. Please help me to understand. Why?" And I wait, silent and reverent, for the answer I know will come. After a time, I am answered.
"Dear One", says the Wind, "you are dearly loved! All events that have occurred and are occurring are unfolding as they should. You asked for this. You have been holding onto the remnants of your old life. While you have cleared much of the Old Energy from your being, the last bits remain and are holding you back. Deep within you smolder the embers of your ego. You thought that you had snuffed out these embers, but we assure you, they still smolder. The current events have caused these seemingly-dying embers to erupt in the flame of ego."
"Deep within you, you still feel that you are not enough, that somehow, you are unworthy. Deep within you, there remains doubt, uncertainty, and the fear that love and light are not enough. These long-buried feelings and beliefs have been set into motion by the current events so that they may be released forever. Also buried deep within you are the parts of you that over the course of your life, you felt were unnecessary or problematic. But we tell you that it is exactly these pieces that require integration if you want to move forward onto your path of destiny in this New Earth you are helping to create."
"You have been given a gift. You are now aware of what you have denied about yourself for so very long. These gifts will be needed along this new path. You will need all that you are if you wish to successfully navigate this new and joyous life that you are creating. Look to the trees for inspiration, as you often do. The trees have no fear of releasing that which no longer serves, that whose time has come and gone. They release with joy at the appropriate time, knowing that this release ensures a vibrant and abundant Spring. The trees dance to the rhythm of Mother Earth, the cycles of Gaia. They are certain of the exquisite perfection of Nature."
"Dear One, it is time to release that which no longer serves you. These are the last vestiges of your old life, the Old Energy. We walk beside you every day of your life. We hold you when you are afraid. We dry your tears when you are sad. We comfort you in times of confusion and worry. We infuse and surround you with love and light. We are your family and you are dearly loved. We are ever here to love, guide and support you. Dear One, it is time to step onto your path of destiny. You are ready. Will you take back your power, oh beautiful Warrior of the Light?"
And I yelled "Yes!" to the Wind, to the trees, to the sky, to all of Nature, to Gaia herself! And I released and tumbled into the abyss with trust and the wisdom that I would be supported and loved there. And as I did, a new song began to emanate from my heart, from my soul. It was the song of my part in the New Earth. It was the song of my Divine Mission. And that new song became part of my very DNA and was woven on the very fabric of my soul for all of eternity. And as my new song radiated from my heart and soul, I understood that I was in synchrony with Nature, with the Universe, with All That Is. And my new soul song began to entangle and intertwine with the Symphony of Creation. It was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. And with that, I stepped onto my path of destiny and into my New World.