I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving! And so the Holidays are upon us in full force. As if the world isn't chaotic and our lives hectic to begin with, this time of year always seems to step up the level of frenzy to an even greater crescendo! For those of us who are awakening and aware, this time of year can be paradoxical. Many of us fully enjoy the true spirit of the season, full of love, kindness, cheer, unselfish giving, and the company of family and friends. On the other hand, we may be completely put off by the retail bombardment and the commercial, selfish, exorbitant nature of the media and its effect on the masses. It can be a very stressful time of year because there are so many expectations and because we are pulled in so many directions. This is especially true when our hearts long for the simple pleasures. It is very easy to get out of balance during the holidays, even for those of us who diligently practice meditation, healing and other contemplative or moving forms of centering.
Personally, I have over the years come to abhor the commercial side of Christmas, but for many years, I still "went along" with it to please my family and friends, and was left feeling drained and exhausted mentally, emotionally, energetically, physically and spiritually. But this year, I refuse to get swept up in the maelstrom and choose to embrace all the wonderful things that are inherent during the holiday season. I will also not "throw out the baby with the bathwater" in this case. Those of you on similar frequencies know exactly what I mean. I now realize I don't need to condemn the commercial side of things, I just don't need to participate. In so doing, I hold space for those who wish to dive head first into the holiday crazies, and bless their journey, knowing that is something I no longer want to experience. It is merely a shift in perspective from fear to love.
Instead of going into debt buying stuff, stuff and more stuff for everyone on our exceedingly long lists, why don't we give gifts from the heart--those special gifts that show how much we know and care about the people we love. Gifts of love and compassion that celebrate the unique things about the people in our lives, are the kinds of gifts that will be remembered and cherished long after the shiny, new toys and expensive luxury items have been broken, forgotten or relegated to the back of a closet or drawer. These are the kinds of things that do not require a huge credit line, waiting in crowds on Black Friday, or fighting through malls on Christmas Eve. We need not open our wallets, only our hearts!
As we awaken to the divinity inside of each and every one of us, the stuff and clutter no longer hold the fascination or the desire that it once did. We realize that stuff is just stuff and that love and compassion are what really count. How about homemade food, made with love? What about sharing a day having lunch or going to a concert or museum with those you cherish? Perhaps just spending time together, either at home or out in Nature would create lasting memories of love! And if you feel you must buy something, make it something that shows you truly know and love the person--something that only you would think to give. Even gift cards to someone's favorite restaurant, store, exercise facility...these are all things that will be used and never returned.
And let us not forget the true meaning of the season...sharing love and compassion with all creatures, all beings. This time of year we remember the unconditional love of the Christed One, who came to Earth to show us what we were all capable of. He came to remind us that we all had God inside, and to act like it and treat each other accordingly. Let's extend the love and compassion beyond our four walls and radiate it out into our communities, into our world! Let's remember the lesson that we are all LOVE at our core, and our true essence, our true being, wishes to share that love with all people, all beings, all creatures great and small. We are all One, all interconnected, all part of the same Source--The All That Is, Was, and Will Ever Be. Within each of us lies that spark, that greatness...let us not forget who we are during this time of year, nor any other.
And most importantly, remember to love yourself and treat yourself with compassion first and foremost. I always like to say that "you can't serve from an empty vessel", and that is what many of us become during the holidays as we attempt to serve others from our dwindling resources. We must fill ourselves to overflowing with Source, and then radiate that love and light naturally to all who come within our sphere of influence. In order to do this, we must remain grounded, centered, and true to ourselves. We must continue the practices that have allowed us to blossom and awaken to Universal truths.
So this holiday season, take time for you! Meditate, pray, practice healing on yourself and others, donate your time and services to help those in need, do things that you want to do, spend time with others with high vibrations and of like mind and heart, refuse to get caught up in the retail frenzy, spend time in Nature, listen to beautiful music, treat yourself to a massage or healing session, and relax and enjoy! And if you don't want to go to that office party or holiday gathering, then give yourself permission to say no!
If your compassion and love do not include yourself, then they are incomplete. This year, put yourself first! You will be amazed at how much better you feel on every level, and how much more you have available to share with others.
Wishing you all unconditional love and the best of everything during this Holiday Season and always!
In Love, Light, Compassion & Gratitude!