The wheel of the year turns ever onward. It's time to say goodbye to 2015 and hello to 2016. It's time to integrate all the gifts, lessons, blessings and changes that the old year has brought, and to welcome the New Year with joy, peace and love in our hearts.
All of us have experienced many shifts, many changes, and hopefully, much expansion during 2015. Many of us have discovered our passions, our true path, our Divine Mission. And many others are at least beginning to look around, realizing the old ways no longer serve us, and are wanting more. We have all been repositioned, recalibrated, "rewired" in order to better integrate the higher vibrational energy that now abounds all around us. When we "go with the flow" and stop fighting the Universal current, we will be lovingly carried to where we are meant to be to serve our, as well as the collective greater good.
While numerologically, 2015 was an "8", a year of manifestation and connecting Heaven and Earth, 2016 is a "9", heralding the ending of a cycle, mastery, and the Divine Feminine. And the ending of a cycle always precedes the beginning of a new cycle. Nothing is ever really an ending. This coming year, we will all have the opportunity to face, embrace and integrate all of the lessons and gifts from the cycle that will be coming to a close through 2016. We all know, both individually and collectively, that the old ways, the old energy, no longer serve us. It is time to bring new energy and new ways of solving problems, thinking, doing, creating into our lives and into the world.
We are learning that separation is an illusion. We are all united, all One, in ways that we are only beginning to understand. What benefits one of us benefits all. What harms one of us harms all as well. The time of living in fear, isolation, anger and hatred is over. The new energy pouring into the planet will no longer support ways of being, acting, doing that are not with integrity. All systems, institutions, beings on Earth must shift to reflect this new vibration if they wish to continue.
We are all shifting, changing, evolving along with our beloved Mother Earth. Together we can move mountains and bring about these blessed changes that we all seek. On this blessed first day of the New Year, let us all join in unity, love and compassion to dream into being peace, love, joy and abundance for All! United, we cannot fail!
Sending you all love, light and blessings for 2016!
May your New Year be blessed, and may 2016 be the best year yet!