When we are mired in our personal issues of survival, division, outrage etc., we are distracted from the true inner work of healing ourselves so that we are no longer triggered by all of the insanity we see around us. I mean, seriously-- can the events distracting us get any more ridiculous and ludicrous??? Everything is being laid bare for all to see, but we have to be willing to look.
I believe that most people are good and compassionate beings, and that while we don't always agree on the methods, we do agree on where we want to go. Don't we all desire a more loving, just, compassionate and free existence? Don't most people desire abundance, freedom and justice for all? When we can begin seeing the bigger picture, the 40,000 foot view, we can then understand all of the intricate mechanisms that have been slowly put in place over thousands of years by the "powers that were" to enslave us and make us complacent, distracted, obedient little sheep. The time to awaken is now. When we unite and stand together, no longer distracted by the evil in this world, the illusion crumbles and we then can begin rebuilding our New Earth.
We humans are magical, powerful beings with a royal lineage that will blow all of our minds once we come to know the truth! When humanity understands our true history, it is game over for the dark ones. Their reign of terror is over. We are the light-bringers, the starseeds... we will bring about this benevolent change. But we must be united in order to do this. The division sewn by the dark ones has kept us from uniting. Isn't it time that we see it is all an illusion? Isn't it time to step into our mission of love, compassion and creation that we came here to anchor into the Earth? Each one of us is so very important in this mission, even if we don't really know what to do specifically. It is a vibration of peace, compassion and love that we hold (when we aren't distracted by all of the nonsense!) that is our true mission. And any secondary missions will come clear once we achieve this first step.
Many are still clinging to old relationships, jobs, habits etc that no longer serve, and the harder we clutch onto these things, the more difficult it is for us to find that inner peace that is so essential for all of the rest of it to flow unimpeded. None of these changes are easy. None of these challenges are fun to experience. But regardless of what we may think we perceive, everyone is going through this to a greater or lesser degree. Anyone who says nothing has changed since 2020 is deluding themselves. And while the kabuki theater continues to get more and more outrageous, some of us can now laugh as we see the overall workings of this divine plan playing out in real time. That certainly doesn't negate the horrific, tyrannical crimes against humanity that have flourished throughout the ages and have come to a head in these times. Many are still are reeling with cognitive dissonance and disbelief that any being or institution could be so diabolical. But awaken they will, as events become more and more chaotic and involve all of humanity on every continent, in every country, in every city-- even ours!
The good news is that the war is already won in the higher realms. Anything that occurs on our 3/4 dimensional Earth must first take form in the higher dimensions and then step down into our current reality. This is Universal Law and can't be circumvented. The dark ones do not have the consciousness or vibration to create in the higher dimensions, but we do. All of us! When we stand together, nothing can divide or stop us in our manifestation of a benevolent world for all beings who resonate with Universal Law. With a little tweaking and de-programming, most of humanity will join ranks and bring this about together. And while this theater production seems to be dragging on incessantly, know that we get one shot at this, we are not alone, and that we will be victorious. But in order to move things along and in order to do this in a way that eases the challenges, we must unite, connect with others of like mind and heart, and join with our Soul Tribe!
Despite attempts to make us feel isolated, there are millions if not billions of us who are awake and aware. Our Soul Tribe awaits our rediscovery. But in order to do that we must get off the couch, stop isolating, stop being afraid and get out there! The way forward lies in community with like minded souls. It may go on this way for awhile yet, no one really knows the timing as it is based on parameters we are not privy to. But together we can surmount any challenges. Together we can do anything, create anything, solve anything! It all begins with unity. And of course, it has never been more important to connect with our spiritual guidance through prayer, meditation, Nature, healing, inner work etc. Together we have got this! Are you ready? Please join me!
In Love & Gratitude,