My heart overflows with joy and love as I write this, as I see so many of you individually, and humanity collectively, beginning to take back your power! For so many lifetimes we have been suppressed, disempowered, subjugated by our governments, by "authority", by religions, by society's institutions, and by our own feelings of inferiority and helplessness. We have been led to believe that we are not enough, that we have no power, that we must conform in order to survive. But the tide is turning!
We humans are no longer content with the status quo. We are questioning all systems and institutions within society that no longer serve us, that keep us imprisoned in false beliefs, that strip us of our innate power. Just look around you at the changes that are occurring on our planet. Everywhere, people are standing in their power and collectively stating that enough is enough!
As we begin to take back our power and stand in that power, we realize that we all are sparks of Divine Source energy with God inside. Each one of us is unique, special and sacred! As we realize and embrace the Divinity inside as our birthright, we learn to release all those untruths we have been told about ourselves for millennia. We are all powerful creator gods and goddesses. We are all connected in the Oneness of Creation. We open to the Truth that we ARE Love. Love is our true essence! We are not born dirty. We are not helpless sheep who need tending. We are not mindless creatures who need to be told what to do, think and be. We are amazing beings of Light temporarily having a physical experience. Each one of us is so important to the Grand Design. Each one of us has a piece to the puzzle. If we don't share that unique piece that we brought from Home, then the Grand Design remains incomplete.
I see more and more people every day embracing that unique spark, that unique and important piece to the puzzle. And I see many of you beginning to move with purpose and passion toward your Divine mission. It is still difficult for so many of us, but as we heed that clarion call of our Soul's longing, we will be supported every step of the way by Spirit and by synchronicity that brings all of those things, events, people, and situations into our life so that we can be in the right place at the right time to begin manifesting our Divine mission on this Earth! Each of us has agreed to be here at this momentous time in the history of our planet in order to assist with this transition of Earth to an enlightened state of Grace. As we individually and collectively step onto the path of our passion, of our Divine mission, we advance the whole as we heal and advance ourselves.
Many of us have chosen difficult lessons for this lifetime. Understand that all of these things were chosen by YOU! These lessons are what our Souls wished to work on in this lifetime. As we have the potential to learn and grow through these lessons, we also have the potential to advance all of humanity, our Soul group, and Universal consciousness as well. Yes, you are that important! It is time to see the bigger picture, to release the guilt, blame, pain and density that keeps you stuck in the maelstrom of 3-dimensional Earth. It is time to expand into the higher dimensions and to take our rightful place in the Light, part of the Oneness of all of Creation. The energy supports you now as you give permission and act with purpose to bring about this transition. It is a journey to healing on all levels, a journey to wholeness, a journey to peace and love, a journey Home while still on Earth. This is the true meaning of Heaven on Earth. As Jesus said, "Be in the world but not of the world..." That is what he meant!
Understand that not everyone will awaken to the truth of God inside within this lifetime, and that is completely appropriate. There are many working on different lessons and on different paths. All choices are honored within the Oneness. Those of us who do awaken are meant to be the way-showers, the trailblazers. We are able to carry more Light from Home. That is why we are called Lightworkers. And as we hold our Light and radiate it out into the world, we allow others the opportunity to see in the dark. But they, too, have free choice to see or not to see that Light. We can't force our Light on anyone else. Also know that darkness has no power of its own. It is merely the absence of Light. And as we shine our Light on the darkness, it ceases to exist.
That being said, it is often a lonely road. But many of us are coming together with our spiritual families for support and kinship during this transition of humanity and the Earth. As each of us stands in our power and the Light of Love, we raise the vibration of Earth. It is that simple. We take our place in the web of Light, the grid of Love, and connect with all other beings on Earth and within the Universe. Open to the help available from the Spiritual realms. You don't have to do this alone, and were never meant to do it alone! A tremendous amount of help is available in the form of Angels, Guides, Ascended Masters, Starseed Races and whatever Beings of Light that you choose to work with. These are all part of God, part of the Oneness. It is a beautiful thing! But you must give permission for them to assist you, for this is the planet of free choice.
Thank you for taking back your power, for standing in your truth, for radiating your Light and Love! There are many beautiful Souls who gather here for communion with like-minded Souls. We form a support group, a spiritual family of Light and Love. Join us and make the way a bit easier on yourself! You are not alone! You are connected to All That Is. It is just a matter of remembering...
"The greatest fear in the world is the opinion of others. And the moment you are unafraid of the crowd you are no longer a sheep, you become a lion. A great roar arises in your heart, the roar of freedom"
"In the beginning there is not much difference between the coward and the courageous person. The only difference is, the coward listens to his fears and follows them, and the courageous person goes into the unknown in spite of all the fear."
"I have been a seeker and I still am, but I stopped asking the books and the stars. I started listening to the teaching of my soul."
I send you Love, Light and Infinite Blessings!