Upon gazing at the heavens in this silence, this quietude, I am moved to blissful tears, to the ecstasy of being part of something this vast, this infinite. But no matter how small and insignificant some may feel while beholding the majesty of the universe, I feel exactly the opposite. I feel a part of everything, connected to every being, to every energy, to All That Is and All That Will Ever Be. This is communion with my very Soul, my very Source!
In this state that is infinite beingness, in this place that is all places yet no-place, in this time that is all time yet no-time, I feel the pulse of the universe coursing through me. Just imagine the sheer magnitude of infinite space! If quantum physics is correct, then our universe is just one of an infinite number of universes that exist in holographic fashion, with no beginning and no end. If we consider for just one moment the night sky and understand that what is visible to the naked eye is only a tiny, infinitesimal fraction of what can be seen in this (tiny by comparison) sector of the Milky Way, our galaxy, then we may begin to comprehend a little bit of this infinite grandeur. The Milky Way is just one of billions of galaxies in the known universe, and a "small" one in comparison to other known galaxies. Each universe is composed of billions of galaxies, which is composed of billions upon billions of stars, each star supporting a star system of rotating planets and moons, etc. Distances are measured by light years, the number of years it takes light from a distant object to reach our Earth or another distant object! The infinite vastness cannot be grasped with the human mind. It is beyond comprehension. But we can FEEL it in our hearts, be part of it, be inside it and it inside us. This is our true home with no limits, no beginning and no end. Infinity!
It is almost laughable that so many humans still think that we are alone in the universe, that humans are the only sentient beings in existence, that Earth is the only planet supporting life! Laughable perhaps, but necessary and perfect for many on the spiral back to Source. This is also due in a large part to the "information" drilled into us by our governments, religions, "authority" figures etc. It also has a lot to do with thinking in "3-D", or believing that all life forms throughout the cosmos must follow the same physical laws and have the same physical needs as we do. The physical universe or the "world of form" is but a minute fraction of the life that exists throughout the universe on other planets, in other star systems, in other dimensions. But each soul must evolve and awaken in his or her own time, and so this cosmic truth will remain hidden from many. If we humans realized that we are all part of this infinite Creative Source of the universe, then how could we ever be forcefully ruled, subjugated, and kept in fear and servitude for millennia? The answer is that we wouldn't! It would be impossible! And the tide is turning. There is an awakening going on!
As I sit here this morning with the universe dancing in glorious harmony all around me, I realize that all we humans have to do is be still and LOOK UP! Take a moment to gaze at the sky, the stars, the moon, the planets! How can anyone behold these wonders and think that we are all that exists? But we have to actually take that moment out of our busy lives, commit to being quiet, commit to entering the stillness of our hearts. And then look at the heavens! Gaze in awe, in wonder, in blissful reverie. Listen to the music of the spheres. Dare to join in the cosmic dance! Know in your heart, in your soul, that you are part of the Creative Source of the universe that created all you see, and so, so much more. Our universal brothers and sisters are waiting for us to awaken from the dream of separation and to join them in celebration. All the hosts of heaven await! What is the celebration about, you ask? Humanity is awakening to the glory of the divinity within and is finally joining the cosmic party! We are coming home! All perfectly appropriate and in perfect timing! Would anyone care to dance?
And now, the eastern sky becomes tinged with pinks and oranges as the night relinquishes its hold to the dawn. As the beautiful colors begin to streak brighter and brighter across the sky, the brilliance of the stars, planets and the nighttime sky begins to fade from sight. But I know that they are always there, always shining the light of cosmic wisdom down upon all of humanity. The trick is to remember their glory even when it is not visible. The heavenly bodies that grace our sky have been reminding us of our glory since humans have lived upon the Earth. It is time to heed their call. Listen with your inner sight, your inner hearing, your inner wisdom. Even though invisible at times, they shine as beacons reminding us of our own light, our own true home. And with the dawn, our own star, our Sun, our solar deity, takes center stage, bringing life, radiance and warmth to all on our planet. He, too, reminds us of our light. Signs and reminders are all around no matter the day, the time or the season. All we have to do is pay attention! Stop what you are doing right now and LOOK UP!