The recent world events have left many of us feeling frightened, confused, outraged, and so many other things that defy description. The prophesied battle of dark and Light is indeed upon us. There is no more sitting on the fence, no more hiding our heads in the sand. We can no longer pretend this darkness does not exist, that it cannot touch us. We are at a crossroads, a turning point for all of humanity. But these are different times. We can no longer fight this darkness, this army without borders, with old energy and in the old ways. Humanity as a whole must unite, rise up and face this evil in ways that are aligned with the New energy on the planet. This is the time for fighting this unspeakable darkness with Light, not with more darkness!
If we look to the bigger picture, we see that these latest events have caused a massive tsunami of compassion to wash across the planet. All humans that are even fleetingly aligned with the Light feel a common bond, an empathy, a compassion for the suffering of others and the horrors that humans have inflicted on other humans. Events such as these cause us all to take pause, to reflect, and to realize that despite all our unique differences, we are all One. United, we cannot be defeated. The Light will prevail. It is already winning. And no matter what those aligned with the darkness do, it will only serve to unite the rest of humanity in compassion and Love.
On a deeper, soul level, all individuals involved in these horrific events agreed to play a part in this latest Earth drama. These selfless and brave souls knew the potentials for themselves when they came into the planet, and still willingly and courageously walked the path of service to all of humanity. They have done their part. Now it is our turn. What will we do?
First, we all need to stay out of fear and vibrate with the energy of Love, compassion and unity. When we go into fear, drama, hatred and all those other old energy reactions, we allow the darkness to control us, to win. There is something new going on today on the Earth and with all of humanity. We are all awakening from the dream--the illusion of separation from Source energy, from each other, from all the Kingdoms on Mother Earth. This mass awakening arrives in different ways for different people, however, the result is in essence, the same. Through our loving, compassionate actions, through unity with our fellow humans, through loving thoughts, deeds and actions, we begin to align with our true nature. And our true nature is Love! Love is stronger than fear, hatred, evil! Light is stronger than darkness! When you shine a light into a dark room, the darkness ceases to exist! Don't you see? Darkness has no power of its own. It is merely the absence of Light! If we all band together and shine our beautiful Light, imagine what we can do to dispel this evil, this darkness from the Earth!
Kryon, through Lee Carroll gives us a practical action to take: trace and cut off their funding! He says that it is easy to do, given the age of digital trails for everything. He also says that we may be surprised at who is actually funding this evil. It comes from many places and countries that we would not expect. He says it will change everything when the truth is discovered. And it is time to expose this money trail and those who perpetuate it, either actively or by their knowing inaction. The time of "no more secrets, no more lies" is upon us!
I urge you all to see the new possibilities for all of humanity. Just imagine what 7 billion empowered and compassionate humans can do if we all stand together. The darkness will have no chance. Indeed, the darkness already knows this. Its days are numbered. The Light is winning. The Light is in all of us. It is our true essence as sparks of the Divine Creative Source of the Universe. Stay out of fear, for in fear, we can be controlled. Do not react in the old ways of revenge, fear, hatred and separation, for these actions dim our Light. Radiate compassion and unconditional love for victims worldwide and for all of humanity. Unite with your brothers and sisters, no matter their race, religion or walk of life. We are all in this together! And together, we are unstoppable. Together, we will bring Light to this world and dispel the darkness that has held sway for millennia. The time is now. Shine your beautiful Light and dispel the darkness. Make it cease to exist. Yes, together we are that powerful. Love and compassion have always been the answer. And we are finally figuring that out! All the world will feel your individual efforts on a deeper level and will benefit from your Love, Compassion and Light! We are all One! What affects one of us affects the whole! Unite in Love and let fear be a thing of the past. The New World is counting on all of us. So what will you do now?
In Love, Light, Compassion & Unity for Humanity!