As everything in our world seems to be falling apart, everything is truly falling into place! Does that sound non-sensical? It really isn't if we step back, take a breath and see the big picture. During these times of great shift and turbulence, we would be best served by taking the 40 thousand foot view and seeing everything in perspective. Narratives and negative agendas are crumbling day by day. Tyranny and corruption are being rooted out at all levels. All of the structures that have perpetuated negativity on our world for thousands of years are falling into dust as humanity awakens from our slumber and tunes into what has been going on for eons.
If we are focused on our third dimensional existence, we can get lost in the drama and chaos around us. When we take a bigger, higher view, we see that all of the changes are necessary for the future of humanity. We are in the process, both individually and collectively, of exposing, healing and clearing everything that is out of integrity. This is no easy task, and we are being asked to utilize all of the tools we have learned along the way. When we are triggered, angered or fearful, this is showing us our underlying wounds that still require our loving attention so that we may heal and regain our wholeness. When we are whole, balanced and sovereign, nothing in the outside world can sway us from our divine mission. That doesn't mean everything will be easy, but it definitely means that it will be worth it.
We are all up to the task at hand or we simply would not be here on our beloved Earth as She and all of humanity shift into a higher dimension. Any transition is often fraught with chaos, worry, doubt and imbalance. It is only natural to feel unsettled and unsure of what the future holds. But if we stand in unity with all of our brothers and sisters, if we lean on each other on bad days and support each other on good days, this transition will occur with far more ease and grace than if we attempt to navigate the shifting sands of change alone.
During this time of propaganda, "fear-porn" and misinformation from all sides, we need to learn to go within and practice discernment. We must stop looking outside of ourselves for answers that can only be found within, I have been saying this for a very long time, but now it is absolutely critical for our well-being and the well-being of humanity as a whole. Those of us who are awake and aware, the Starseeds and old souls, are leading the way . We are anchoring the higher vibration of love, peace, compassion and integrity into the Earth and into humanity. We will be the rocks that others lean on and the beacons of light for others to see in the dark, when more of the world events become more public for the sleeping masses. Many will need our compassion and strength to make sense of it all. And even if we don't understand everything (I mean, who can right now???), we will stand firm with our love and light and assist others who are reeling in the chaos.
Be strong Soul Tribe. Know that the end is near and that the beginning of rebuilding our New Earth is very near. Now is the time to turn off the news, the podcasts, the videos and to listen to the wisdom of our hearts. Meditate, pray, get out in Nature, study something that excites you, take a class on something you always wanted to learn, be creative, begin or continue your own self-healing process. The possibilities are endless as the dimensional realities open up for all who seek. We must take care to protect ourselves from negative energies and those things which may drain our precious resources and energy. What change can we make in our lives regarding relationships, career, where we live, how we nourish ourselves, what we spend our time engaging in etc.? What will be our roles in the New Earth? What will be our contribution to the shift of the ages? How can we bring our unique talents forward to serve others?
We are all here for a reason. We are vast, unlimited, angelic beings of Light who have had eternal and infinite sojourns throughout the multiverse of creation. We have done this before and we will succeed in our individual and collective missions. The only thing stopping us is ourselves! So turn off the outside noise and go within. Listen to the whisperings of Spirit and of your Soul. This is where peace lies. This is where truth lies. This is the eye of the storm. Be well and know that all is in divine order. Patience, discernment, compassion and high vibes are what we must practice now and moving forward. We've got this! It is a pleasure and honor to serve with all of you on the front lines of the greatest shift in all of Earth's history. We cannot fail. It is already written in the Akashic Records. We simply need to trust, focus on what we want to create, and flow into our glorious future.
In Love & Gratitude,