It has been a tumultuous and eventful September thus far. Much is happening, both in the world around us as well as in our inner worlds. Nothing is immune to the massive tidal wave of change sweeping across the planet! There are massive storms, floods, earthquakes, monsoons, fires and social unrest everywhere you look. The old energy response is to go into fear and drama about the Earth changes and move to the drum beat of CNN and the Weather Channel until we are whipped into a controllable frenzy of victimhood. Dear Ones, understand that all that you are seeing on planet Earth is in divine order! All these things are necessary as Gaia clears and cleanses the discordant vibrations in her energy field!
These events are also here to teach us how to stand in our power, alone and together. Why don't we endeavor to respond to challenges with a new energy attitude and action, as so many have been doing all over the planet? Instead of being glued to the television and media and driven into fear and imbalance, why don't we send love to the storms and catastrophes? Send love to the people who are affected and in harm's way? Send love to the responders, helpers, rescuers? If you are in the position to donate time or goods or money, then wonderful! Do that! But every single one of us can send love and light. All it takes is a moment of our time and energy.
It is our duty as awakened lightworkers on this planet of free choice to stay calm within the maelstrom, radiate our love and light, and be the lighthouse for others who are unable to see the light and greater meaning of Earth events. As we send our love and light to these storms and disasters, they can and will dissipate or continue in areas that are not highly populated. Instead of this, however, for the most part, humans are giving into the fear and drama and this old energy is drawing these storms and disasters closer to land and cities and places where many people live! This is how it works Dear Ones! We now have the consciousness to change how things have always been. We have the power to stand in unity and shine our love and light!
Gaia is the Earth and all her consciousness, of which we are an integral part. The storms and natural disasters are a part of Gaia, as we are. Therefore, they, too, are imbued with consciousness. When we send love and light to the storms, they will understand and move away from land and harming humans. It is that simple! But to continue in the old way, spreading fear and drama like thick frosting upon the psyches of other humans, is an action of an old Earth. And we are here to usher in the New Earth, which requires much balancing and cleansing in order to continue on with the ascension process. Just know that on some level, all who are affected by these natural events agreed to do this on some level. Perhaps these experiences were needed for growth and expansion on some level, providing lessons for those involved. Just know in your heart that if we use our intuition and follow our inner guidance, we will always be safe and where we are meant to be. But the caveat in this is that we need to be calm and in our center in order to receive this intuitive guidance.
Not everyone involved in these storms was able to do that. However, we can do it and we will do it! We, the aware and awake, have the ability to navigate quite gracefully through whatever happens in our outer world. Here is a very simple exercise that I have been using for many years to send love, light and stability to any part of the world (or any person or being in our life, including us, our homes, our trees, our pets etc.). This is an exercise channeled by the Hathors via Tom Kenyon. It is called the "Holon of Balance" and it is a wonderful thing to visualize and send whenever natural (or human) disasters strike. I also find it very helpful to place around my home during storms (including the tall trees), around my car, around missing or wayward pets or children, and just about anything that requires protection and safety. I encourage you to try it!
First visualize, sense, intend, pretend or otherwise imagine an octahedron shape completely surrounding the person, place or thing that you wish to keep safe and secure. An octahedron is an 8 sided shape that looks like two pyramids placed base to base.
You might also find this channel and sound meditation from Tom Kenyon and the Hathors to be helpful in integrating these crazy, intense energies. And no, the energy is not going to subside, so we must do something to integrate the energy into our beings and balance ourselves. I find that this "Restoration" meditation assists with all those things in an amazing way. Below is the link.
Blessings, Love and Light to All! We are One!