During the time leading up to the Great Shift, and since, many people have awakened to spiritual truths, personal truths, discovered their divine mission or personal path, or are at least beginning their search. Many have had the courage and fortitude to take that leap of faith in order to begin living their truth--not just in certain circles, behind closed doors or on weekend retreats--but all of the time. But many still are imprisoned by fear (of success, of failure, of what others will think, etc.) , by the ego (that tells us we are not good enough, smart enough, rich enough, etc.), by old, rigid belief systems that no longer serve us (religious, societal, familial and personal dogma), by hatred, anger, blame etc. (all manifestations of fear, by the way), by judgement ( both of ourselves and others), and by a number of other things that do not support who we truly are and who we are becoming as we evolve. When we are imprisoned by our fears, judgments, beliefs etc., our evolution is stunted, and we fear embracing our new passions, our personal truth, This incongruence with who we truly are becoming and what we truly believe versus who we are portraying on the Earth stage can be disorienting if they are not supportive of each other, and at it's worst, can cause delusions, frustration, and even physical, mental or emotional illness if left to fester. Walking in two worlds may have been possible and even feasible in an old Earth, but in this new Earth, it just doesn't work any longer. This is a time of planetary and personal enlightenment, and anything that prevents humanity from going with that Universal flow no longer serves! It's time to walk our talk!
So what can we humans do to release fear, judgement, ego and old belief systems that may be holding us back from embodying and embracing our full evolved potential? And how do we even begin to assess where we are in the grand scheme of things?
First, take a few minutes several times a day to connect with the Earth (ground!) and with your inner self and take stock of where you are vibrating. Are you joyous, grateful, loving, fulfilled, feeling connected to other humans, the Earth, Universal flow? Or are you feeling judgmental, hateful, fearful, angry, resentful, blaming or isolated from society and the rhythms of the Earth and the cosmos? If you are feeling the former vibrations of love, joy and gratitude, then you can be sure you are "in the flow" and are most likely walking your talk. If you are feeling the latter vibrations of hate, fear, blame etc., you can be certain that you are not "in the flow" and are not walking your talk, and so, are in opposition to your true self. Our feelings are the best gauge to our inner self and our divine purpose. We can delude our minds, but not our hearts. When we live from the heart, embracing those things that bring us joy, our lives become Heaven on Earth, and we can embrace our soul's purpose. When we live from the ego, we continue to live in fear and isolation, and from this limited perspective, are unable to live our truth and embrace our joy and divine purpose. The stress created from this discrepancy can be ignored by the mind, but not by the true barometer of our heart. And so eventually, something has to give--our inner peace, our emotional stability, our mental fortitude, or even our physical health.
Secondly, assess the aspects of your world honestly and through the window of the heart. Do the relationships in your life feel loving? Do they bring you joy? Or are they a source of stress, fear or turmoil? Do they honor your divine nature? Do they support your free will? Or are they restrictive and non-supportive? What can you do to change the relationships that bring negative vibrations into your world? Perhaps it's time to reevaluate these relationships. Do you hold onto relationships due to fear of being alone? Fear of poverty? Fear of judgment? That is your ego talking. You are a divine being with access to all of the love and abundance in the Universe and you are deserving of all the joy that you can imagine! It is time to change or release those relationships that don't support you, your personal truth and your joy!
How about your career? Is it a source of fulfillment, self-actualization and joy? Or is it a daily source of stress, fear and abasement? Are you embracing your unique talents and abilities? Or are you in a rut? Do you feel you are valued? Do you feel you are providing service to humanity? Do you feel good at the end of the day about your work? Or do you do anything you can to numb the feelings from the day? If the answers are negative, then what can you do to change things? What job or career would better serve you and your unique talents? What would bring you joy and provide fulfillment? Is your ego getting in the way? Do you fear change, poverty? Do you feel you are not deserving of joyful employment? Again, go deep into your inner self, your heart of hearts, and find the answers. Find the love and courage there to create the perfect career where you will feel joy and satisfaction. Then take steps to make it a reality. Drop the fear! You are a creator at the soul level and can create anything you can imagine!
You get the idea...you can do this for all areas of your life! Honestly evaluate where you live, your health, and every other thing in your world. If it doesn't bring you joy, then you are not walking your talk! It's time to act to create something better for yourself!
And this includes your spiritual journey! Are you fearful that others will find out about your spiritual actions, beliefs or studies? Do you continue to live one way while truly believing another? Have you evolved to a place where you understand your true divine nature and the interconnectedness of all beings in the cosmos, but still embody your "old" unenlightened life to the rest of the world? What are you afraid of?
Self-evaluation can be as difficult as you wish, or as easy. Being truly honest with yourself is essential to walking on this Earth as a sovereign being embracing your divine potential. It's time to walk your talk, Earth Angels! It's time to follow your truth, embark on your path of service, live in joy and gratitude, radiate love, and bring the light to this planet that has been in the dark for far too long. It begins with each of us. And with every person who begins to carry more of their light and shine it on the world by walking their talk, the Earth will glow that much more brightly with the brilliance of evolving humanity! One heart at a time, let's learn to live in love, joy and gratitude, in harmony with all of creation!
Love, Light and many blessings on your Earth Walk!